6 Dental Health Tips to Prevent Your Teeth From Staining

April 21, 2022

Have you noticed any dark spots on your teeth? Those black or dark pigments you see on your teeth are called teeth stains. Many things can cause such staining in your teeth, but the foods you eat and your habits are among the most significant contributors. But though they are often a sign of poor dental hygiene, teeth stains may also indicate serious health concerns.


The good news is that you can eliminate and prevent most typical teeth stains. With the right lifestyle habits, professional cleaning, and strategies, you can bring back your bright and spotless smile. Discover how to prevent your teeth from staining by reading our dental health tips below.


Three Types of Teeth Stains

Many teeth stains are treatable and preventable. But before equipping yourself with preventive measures and possible treatment options, it’s helpful to understand the different types of staining your teeth may have.


Certain changes in the structure of your tooth enamel, dentin, and pulp chamber can result in the following types of teeth stains:


Extrinsic Stains

This type of tooth stain appears on the tooth enamel. It usually happens when the outermost layer of your teeth comes in contact with the food and drink you consume. Without proper hygiene, staining agents will build up in the protein film, covering the enamel surface.


Intrinsic Stains

This type of tooth stain affects the inner layer of the teeth. It can be caused by genetics, tooth trauma, or certain medications. Since the staining develops within the tooth enamel, intrinsic stains are more challenging to eliminate. The good news is that they can be treatable.


Age-Related Stains

Some changes happen in your teeth due to aging. The porous layer of your tooth enamel becomes thinner, causing the underlying dentin to show through. Dentin is a hard tissue with a typically yellow hue in the middle layer of your teeth.


What Can You Do to Prevent Your Teeth From Staining?

No matter how healthy your teeth are, teeth stains can make you feel less confident and comfortable. Luckily for you, you can do several things to combat any types of staining in your teeth, such as the following:


1. Avoid Teeth-Staining Foods

The deep color of the foods and drinks you consume can cause staining in your teeth. They might also contain compounds known as tannins. It’s an acidic substance that attracts staining particles to stick to your tooth enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to stains.


If you want to keep your teeth free from staining, avoid or cut down these top teeth-staining foods:


● Coffee and tea
● Red wine
● Balsamic vinegar
● Carbonated drinks
● Tomato-based sauces
● Colored candy and sweets
● Berries
● Beets


2. Drink With a Straw

You’re less likely to encounter teeth stains if the beverage barely touches your teeth. So if you want to maintain stain-free teeth, consider drinking with a straw.


Unlike drinking directly from a cup, using a straw prevents the liquid from washing over the teeth and producing more staining effects. But to make this effective, place the straw toward the back of your mouth to minimize contact with the teeth.


3. Invest in Professional Whitening

Using whitening products can help get rid of extrinsic stains in your teeth. Products with hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide can also be effective for intrinsic or age-related stains. However, they may not always work all the time.


Investing in professional whitening treatment would be the best choice. Unlike over-the-counter whitening treatments, teeth whitening performed by professionals provide fast and safe results.


However, make sure to go to a reliable and licensed dental provider to prevent from being a victim of malpractice. Do you wonder whats malpractice in dentistry? Basically, it happens when a patient suffers injuries due to the negligence or misconduct of the dentist.


That means the treatment was not done according to professional standards, causing harm to a patient. Here are a few examples of dental malpractice you should be aware of:


● Performing unnecessary and harmful procedures
● Not using appropriate anesthesia during treatment
● Improper installation of braces or other devices
● Irresponsible dental extractions
● Permanent nerve damage due to careless tooth fillings
● Delayed diagnosis, resulting in more complications and treatment costs.


4. Stick to Proper Brushing Techniques

Many people brush their teeth the wrong way, preventing them from taking good care of their oral health. If you want to avoid tooth stains, paying attention to how you brush your teeth is essential. As much as possible, stick to proper brushing techniques, such as:


● Angle your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to get rid of trapped plaque or food residue.
● Use short circular strokes and brush your teeth and gum gently.
● Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each.


5. Use the Right Type of Toothbrush

The toothbrush you use can help make your brushing routine more effective and prevent staining in your teeth. A soft-bristled toothbrush is the best choice for most people as it eliminates bacteria and plaque without irritating your gums. Also, look for toothbrushes with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval to ensure their cleaning efficacy and safety.


6. Get a Regular Dental Assessment

Besides changing your lifestyle habits and sticking to proper brushing routines, getting a regular dental assessment is essential. The dental professional is better equipped to detect potential problems in your overall oral health. Plus, they can also eliminate plaque and tartar buildup more effectively.


Keep Your Teeth Spotless and Healthy

The physical appearance of your teeth can impact your confidence in dealing with people. Thus,  make sure to look after your teeth and prevent potential problems and complications. Developing good dental care habits, limiting foods that cause staining, and using whitening treatments can help keep your teeth spotless and healthy. However, it’s always best to consult a dental professional before making any changes.