6 Important Things To Know About Invisalign Treatment Before Getting One

December 08, 2021

Invisalign is one of the best solutions for adults who may not be able to wear metal braces due to allergies or other dental problems. But before you get excited about this new miracle product, make sure you know the 6 most important things to keep in mind.

1. The Price

Invisalign treatment can be expensive, and the cost varies depending on your location. Make sure you get an estimate from your dentist before getting started. The cost of Invisalign treatment will depend on the number of aligners you need, in addition to things like your location and dental insurance. Also, keep in mind that in most cases it requires multiple sets of aligners throughout the process (the average is six sets per year). Make sure to factor all of this into your budget before getting started.

2. The Time Frame

The length of treatment time varies depending on each person's needs. Typically, though, Invisalign treatment lasts anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Keep this in mind when planning your treatment, as you don't want it to disrupt your life for too long. This time frame includes the time it takes to get your initial set of aligners, wear them for the prescribed amount of time, and then get your next set. Also, you need to factor in the time between each set.

3. The Difficulty

Invisalign is not a magic fix-all. It may take some effort on your part to achieve the best results. You'll need to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day and make sure to avoid any foods or drinks that could damage them. If you don't follow these instructions carefully, you could end up with crooked teeth again once your treatment is complete. Invisalign treatment is not as difficult as traditional metal braces, but it's still important to follow all of your dentist's instructions to ensure optimal results. Make sure you're diligent about wearing your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day (usually 20-22 hours) and avoid eating foods that could damage the aligners or cause them to come off.

4. The Results

Invisalign treatment yields amazing results, and most people are thrilled with their new smiles after completing the treatment. However, it is important to keep in mind that not everyone's teeth are perfect, and Invisalign may not be able to fix every problem. If you have a complicated dental issue, Invisalign may not be the best solution for you. Talk to your dentist to see if Invisalign is right for you. The results can be worth it, though.


As with any dental treatment, you will need to make a serious commitment to your Invisalign treatment. Traditional metal braces yield results much faster than Invisalign, but they can also be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. Some people wonder if they can drink through their aligners or take them out when they sleep at night. You are not supposed to do either of these things during your treatment because that will affect your results in negative ways.

5. The Comfort

Invisalign is much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. You won't have to worry about wires poking your mouth or brackets irritating your gums. Most people find that they barely notice they're wearing the aligners at all. It is made from a soft plastic that is comfortable to wear and does not irritate your skin or gums. Invisalign is much easier to keep clean than traditional metal braces. You don't have to worry about brushing and flossing around wires and brackets, which can be a hassle. Invisalign can be easily cleaned with a toothbrush and water. Just make sure you remove them before brushing your teeth!

6. The Appearance

One of the main benefits of Invisalign is that it's virtually invisible. Unless someone looks closely, they won't be able to tell that you're wearing braces. This is a huge benefit for people who are self-conscious about their teeth. Keep in mind, however, that Invisalign can occasionally stain if you eat or drink certain things (like coffee or red wine). If you're concerned about staining, ask your dentist for advice on how to avoid it. The appearance will also depend on your teeth. Some people have straighter teeth than others, so the results may vary.

Invisalign is one of the best solutions out there for people who may not be able to wear metal braces due to allergies or other dental problems. It is more comfortable, easy to keep clean, and virtually invisible. You'll also need to follow all of your dentist's instructions carefully to ensure optimal results. Just make sure you are aware of these 6 important things to keep in mind before getting Invisalign treatment.