Arestin antimicrobial microspheres for periodontal treatment

February 19, 2022

Arestin is a dental antimicrobial used by dentists to treat gum disease in the beginning stages. It contains minocycline which is an antibiotic belonging to the tetracycline class. Available as microspheres, these are applied directly at the site of infection. It is used along with deep cleaning for optimum results.


Gum inflammation leads to shrinking of gums, formation of gum pockets, damage to the bone structure and loss of teeth. It is therefore important to control the infection right in the beginning before complications set in. Arestin microspheres are filled in the gum pockets near the affected teeth to eliminate disease causing bacteria from the site of infection completely.

They are indicated when pocket depth is equal to or more than 5mm. When the gums recede, they form small spaces between the teeth and the gums. This area that consists of diseased tissue is known as gum pocket.

Method of application

Arestin alone is not sufficient to control periodontitis, it is used along with other procedures. The dentist uses a special injection like device to fill it in the gum pockets. Each dose contains 1 mg of minocycline. The microspheres contain small amounts of the antibiotic that are gradually released over a time period of about three weeks. It delivers a low dose at the site of infection itself. The patient therefore does not need to take larger doses of antibiotics in tablet form. As it is in the form of small particles it manages to reach the area that may have been missed during scaling and root planing procedures.

Arestin is filled in all the gum pockets that are equal to or deeper than 5mm. It is generally advised to limit the number of pockets being filled in one sitting. In some cases, the treatment may be repeated after three weeks or more.

Studies have shown that if scaling and root planing is accompanied by Arestin then it ensures faster recovery. Further it prevents re-growth of bacteria in the affected areas. Its use produces pocket reduction within one month. Follow-up examination after nine months has shown no reversal or deterioration in the treated area.

After care

Certain precautions are necessary after Arestin regime to ensure full and early recovery.

• Avoid eating and drinking up to half an hour after the procedure.
• Do not brush your teeth for 12 hours.
• Do not use floss or toothpicks etc. to clean the area between the affected teeth.
• Do not eat sticky and hard food like candy or chewing gum.
• Again, don’t eat food that can damage your gums, for example chips, popcorns and so on.
• One can resume normal cleaning between the teeth after about 10 days.
• Most importantly, for the treatment to work it is necessary that proper oral hygiene is followed.



Arestin belongs to the tetracycline class of antibiotics and people who have had an adverse reaction to the drug should inform their dentist.

Further minocycline should not be taken in the later stage of pregnancy as it is known to affect tooth development in the baby.

Lactating mothers should not breast-feed after this treatment as it is known to pass into breast milk. It can affect the development of bone and teeth of the baby.

It is also not advisable for children who are less than 8 years of age as it can cause discoloration of the teeth. They may become yellow, gray or even brownish in color.

In cases where the drug has been used frequently the chances of enamel hypoplasia is raised, that is, the layer of enamel is thinner than normal.
It has been observed that people who have been treated with Arestin are more prone to sunburn.