CBD for Dental Pain: Treating With CBD Before a Dentist Surgery

June 28, 2021

One question that dentists are asked increasingly these days is: Can I take CBD before dental surgery? Well, the answer is, yes!

CBD has been a known analgesic since the 1960s and can be used to alleviate dental pain in many ways before surgery. In this blog post, we will discuss how CBD works as an analgesic, why it's so effective at treating dental pain and give you some tips on how to use it before your dentist appointment!

So, what exactly is CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds found in cannabis. CBD oil contains only trace amounts of THC, which means that it won't make you high or negatively affect your cognitive abilities like other cannabinoid products may.

How does it work for dental pain and anxiety?

CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory, meaning that it will help to reduce inflammation in your mouth which can lead to pain. CBD also affects our endocannabinoid system and can regulate the nervous system as well.

This means that using CBD for dental pain or anxiety might be more effective than other drugs because it's able to tackle both issues at once. It doesn't have any negative side effects either, unlike some dentist-prescribed medications (those with codeine).

Tips on using CBD before surgery

Before you head to the dentist’s surgery, you'll want to make sure that the dentist knows about your CBD use.
Let them know if you're using it for pain relief because they might be able to reduce the amount of prescribed drugs like codeine or anesthesia, and help prevent any side effects those medications may have.

They should also know if you are using it as an alternative treatment for anxiety so they can prepare accordingly in case there's a negative reaction when giving the drug intravenously (which is often done during surgery).

Dosage recommendations for dental pain

There's no exact agreed-on dosage so this will vary depending on many factors.
Some patients recommend a teaspoon of oral drops before surgery, while others take it as needed.

CBD can also be applied topically at any time during recovery (after flossing) to numb or reduce swelling in an area near the affected area.
You should consult with your dentist about timing, though they may still give you their recommendations based upon specific considerations for each operation including pre-op sedation.

CBD might help heal gum disease too

The research is limited, but CBD oil may help your gums stay healthy. There’s been limited testing of CBD and dental health, but a recent study showed that it may help counter the inflammation and bone loss during periodontitis. So if you struggle with inflamed or receding gums, CBD oil may help.