Four reasons why you should be going to the dentist regularly

December 11, 2020

Going to the dentist is not a particularly fun experience, however it’s something that we all need to do on a regular basis. You should be booking a dental appointment approximately once every six months, and more often if you feel any pain or notice anything unusual. Many of us fail to manage this though and only visit the dentist in an emergency. Whilst maintaining good oral health at home is very effective, you should still be going to the dentist regularly even if your teeth seem in perfect condition. Here’s why.


Dentists can clean your teeth more thoroughly

There is only so much you can do at home with a regular toothbrush to get your teeth properly clean. By going to a dentist like Sunshine Dental for a proper dental cleaning, you can have a pro-fessional ‘scale and polish’ that removes any plaque and tartar from your gum line and between your teeth. The dental hygienist will use a special gritty toothpaste to polish your teeth and achieve a superior smooth, clean feeling that you can’t get yourself. It will also prevent any build-ups in difficult to reach areas, keeping your mouth healthier for longer.


Dentists can spot problems that you can’t

There are some oral health concerns that we can keep an eye out for, such as pain or swollen bleeding gums, but there are many more that we are unable to spot. This includes signs of oral cancer, a serious disease which can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early. In addi-tion, by taking X-rays of your mouth your dentist can see what is happening beneath the gum line. The X-rays allow them to detect issues such as impacted teeth or damage to the jaw bone,  which can cause serious problems if left untreated.


You can get professional advice at the dentist

In addition to spotting potential health issues early on, your dentist can also give you professional advice on how to mainain or improve your oral hygiene. They will make sure you are following a good oral health routine at home and can answer any questions you may have about how to best look after your teeth – for example what type of toothbrush to use, or the correct brushing tech-nique. They also often have top quality floss, mouthwash and other relevant items available to purchase.


The health of your teeth is really important

So why does all of this matter? It’s because the health of your teeth, and your mouth more gener-ally, is vital. Keeping your teeth in top condition not only gives you a winning smile, it also helps to protect against gum disease, cavities and other potentially painful medical conditions that can make it difficult to eat or even speak. Research at the Mayo clinic has also indicated that bad oral health is linked to other types of health problems such as heart disease and pneumonia, so it truly is essential to make regular appointments with your dentist. You won’t regret it!