Pinched Nerves in Your Jaw: How They Start and How to Treat Them

September 29, 2020

The human body contains trillions of nerves. They make up the peripheral nervous system, and their primary function is to relay information between the brain, spinal cord, and the body. Due to mechanical compression by bones, muscles, and tendons, nerves in various parts of the body can get pinched, resulting in torturous pain. As you might have guessed already, the nerves in your jaw are not an exception. So how do pinched jaw nerves start, and how can they be treated? Let’s start with how they are treated:


Pinched Nerve Treatment

Treating pinched nerves requires a professional approach. While pain relief medication could help, the problem has to be addressed from the root cause for long-term relief. As demonstrated by Dr. Justin Dean and his team, pinched nerve treatment starts by identifying the affected nerve. This is followed by determining the source of compression. From there, various unloading techniques, as well as decompression, may be administered by a professional doctor. Nerve slides and functional jaw exercises may also be recommended to restore proper function.

Common Causes

1. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

Ever had a toothache? We all know what toothaches can make you wish for death. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is among the most common causes of jaw pain. It primarily affects the joint that bridges the skull to the jaw, which helps it move correctly. When the disc becomes misaligned, you will experience pain, which can only be sorted by the doctor. Some symptoms commonly seen in TMJ disorders include:

● Tenderness around the jaw
● Pain when opening your mouth or chewing
● Earaches
● Locking joints when opening or closing your mouth

You are at risk of falling victim to TMJ if you grind your teeth at night, regularly clench your jaw out of stress, or accidentally get your jaws hit.

2. Sinusitis

This is a condition where the sinuses (found near the jaw just behind your cheeks) get infected. The bacteria cause the air-filled cavities to be replaced with mucus, which causes a lot of pain in the jaw. In these events, the jaw nerves could become pinched. Some symptoms of this condition include:

● Facial pain and swelling
● Headaches and earaches
● Fatigue
● Lost sense of sense and taste

This condition disappears without notice, and a grace period of one week is enough to heal. But if it persists, seek medical advice.

3. Dental Issues

This is a common issue for many, but we take it lightly. Sometimes we do an over the counter consultation and ignore the consequences. It could be an infection that radiates to the jaw, and some of the common causes include:
● Gum disease
● Misaligned teeth
● Abscessed tooth
● Cavities

These are issues that can easily be brushed off, but some of the symptoms that should push you to see the doc include bad breath, sores in the mouth, bleeding gums, and any unusual occurrences in your dental health.
Pinched nerves in the jaw may also cause cluster headaches, which are often associated with intense pain, especially on one side of the head. More often than not, this condition should seek medical attention. It often comes with various signs and symptoms, which may include fever, nausea, and a stiff neck.