Reasons Why You Might Want to Visit an Orthodontist

April 05, 2021

Looking after your oral health should always be a priority for everyone. Although the majority of us are aware of oral hygiene and how to achieve this in our daily routines, people do not do much more to guarantee the overall health of their mouths.

When suffering from dental issues, people tend to visit their dentist, but there are certain problems that require the assessment of a specialist. If you suffer from tooth irregularities your dentist may refer you to visit an orthodontist, for example, who specializes in the diagnoses, prevention, and correction of wrongly positioned teeth and jaw issues. In this article, we will provide you with reasons why you might want to visit an orthodontist so that you know if you should consult with one to fix your oral issue.

You Need Teeth Straightening

One of the main reasons people visit an orthodontist is because their teeth are irregular. This is very common, and you can usually start during childhood years, as the adult teeth come in. Although this is not a condition that will affect your health, it can certainly cause people to be self-conscious about their appearance. The mouth is usually one of the physical features most people will notice about someone when they first meet, hence why so many individuals are willing to pay to get this issue fixed. After a thorough assessment, an orthodontist may advise you to get braces in order to straighten the teeth.

You Suffer From Overcrowded Teeth

In some cases, it can happen that individuals will develop more teeth than they should, causing overcrowding in the mouth. This usually means that people will have additional teeth in the back of other teeth, which can cause other oral health issues. Not only it becomes more difficult to clean every tooth properly, but teeth can also become crooked, furthermore, an orthodontist will be able to remove the additional teeth, if necessary, and apply braces to ensure that you have a straight set of teeth.

You Have Gaps Between Your Teeth

Many times teeth will grow with spaces between them – although in the majority of cases this is minimal, some gaps are significant and particularly noticeable when it is the main front teeth. On the other hand, losing teeth in your mouth will cause additional space and this can result in teeth moving or decaying, which makes it imperative that individuals who suffer from this issue seek the help of a professional in the field to fix this. The dentistry mavens behind Hello Ortho recommend looking for a professional orthodontist that will take client’s needs into consideration fully. Whether you are looking to resolve an oral issue for health reasons or simply for vanity, you should receive the appropriate care.

Bite Issues

Dentist professionals refer to the way your upper and lower teeth come together as ‘the bite’. When you close your mouth, your upper teeth should fit slightly over your lower teeth – this is deemed as a healthy bite. In certain cases, the teeth meet improperly or do not meet at all, meaning that the individual may be suffering from significant bite issues. This is more than a cosmetic issue, as it can lead to physical health issues, including headaches and speech impairment.

Facial Imbalance

Some adults suffer from facial imbalance, which occurs when the center front teeth are not parallel with their bottom front teeth. When this happens the individual’s bite becomes uneven, resulting in the tilting of facial muscles and the jaw out of their natural position. If this issue is not resolved, you can suffer from jaw pain as you grow older.

Temporomandibular Disorders

The purpose of the temporomandibular joint is to link your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. This is what enables our jaws to move, which we require to talk and eat. If you suffer from this condition, you must visit an orthodontist for medical support as it can result in significant discomfort and tension around the jaw, ear, and head.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is a common issue among individuals, although sometimes it goes unnoticed. In many cases, this is the result of stress, and people do it involuntarily, without realizing it. It can also occur whilst you sleep. In the short-term you may experience pain in the jaw area as well as headaches. In the long-term grinding your teeth can result in significant issues as it wears down the teeth over time. An expert in this area may help you with putting additional measures in place to prevent you from doing this or reduce the damage to your mouth.

Sleeping Problems

Some people experience sleep issues for a variety of reasons. Although there are many factors that can reduce your sleep quality, your teeth are one of them. Sleep apnoea, for example, is a common sleep condition that is sometimes associated with the alignment of your teeth and jaws. By resolving this issue, you may be able to resolve your sleep issues overall.


Seeing an expert in dentistry is crucial to help you with difficult oral issues. If you are experiencing the conditions discussed above, you may want to visit an orthodontist who can help you resolve your problems.