Single Tooth Implants

July 28, 2022

Many people associate dental implants with individuals who are missing most of their teeth. However, this isn’t always the case. There are many instances when a single tooth is lost due to either disease, decay, or trauma. If this occurs, a single tooth implant can be pivotal for closing the gap, restoring your smile, and ensuring your gums and jawbone remain healthy.


Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental Implants have several advantages that improve oral health and boost confidence. Benefits of dental implants include:

• Improves Speech. Dental implants are a secure, fixed tooth replacement that allows patients to speak without fearing their teeth slipping. Ill-fitting dentures can slip inside the mouth and affect how you speak.

• Makes Eating Easier. Dental implants function similarly to natural teeth. This means you can enjoy eating without worrying about any discomfort or pain.

• Increases Self-Esteem. Dental implants can help regain your smile and boost your confidence.

• Enhances Oral Health. Dental implants, unlike dental bridges, do not require reducing thesurrounding teeth. As a result, more of your natural teeth are preserved, resulting in better long-term oral health. Dental implants help stimulate jawbone regrowth since they are rooted in the jawbone. Furthermore, single tooth implants make cleaning your teeth more accessible, improving oral hygiene.

• Convenience and Durability. Dental implants eradicate the discomfort of removable dentures because they bond seamlessly with your teeth. Implants are efficiently long-lasting and are sure to last for several years if properly taken care of.

Dental Implant Placement Process

After successful examination of the area or removal of the affected tooth, an anesthetic is administered before implant placement to numb the area and reduce the pain. Afterward, the gum line is cut open to expose the jawbone, and a dental implant metal post is securely screwed into the bone. The dental implant takes between two to six months to bond with your jawbone to form an anchor where the artificial tooth will sit. This is known as the initial integrating period.
Once the initial integrating period is complete and the metal screw has fully healed, our Periodontists will reopen the gum tissue to expose the dental implant screw and then attach an abutment. The gum tissue is then closed around the abutment. Once the abutment is secured, your gums must heal for about two weeks before attaching the final restoration.
Finally, the crown, or replacement tooth, will be custom-made specifically for you and attached to the abutment. Once the dental implant has properly healed, you can smile confidently and enjoy all of those benefits discussed earlier.

Dental Implants Aftercare

After any stage of the dental implant placement procedure, it is normal to experience any of the following:

• Swollen gums or face

• Bruising in the skin and/or gums

• Slight bleeding

• Pain or discomfort at the implant site

These symptoms are typical, and our Periodontists will prescribe pain medications and antibiotics to prevent an infection if needed. You must let your specialist know if any of these symptoms worsen a few days after the procedure.

To help your dental implant last long and remain healthy, it is advised to:

• Visit Your Specialist Regularly. Regular dental check-ups following any procedure will ensure that everything is healing and functioning properly.

• Practice Good Oral Hygiene. Properly brushing and cleaning your dental implant will help maintain its health. Brushes are precisely designed, such as interdental brushes that slide between teeth, to properly clean around the dental implant and clean hard-to-reach areas that a regular toothbrush could miss.

• Avoid Damaging Habits. Our specialists advise dental implant patients to avoid chewing hard foods, such as hard candies or ice, to prevent any damage to the artificial tooth. We also recommend avoiding tooth-staining substances such as caffeine products or tobacco.

Single Dental Implant Cost


Single dental implant costs vary depending on the extent of the procedure. Implants are designed to last a long time. As a result, their price tag is slightly higher than other procedures, including dentures and dental bridges.