Sleep Clench Inhibitor - SCI Plus Splint

June 10, 2016

The Sleep Clench Inhibitor is based on the design ofnociceptive trigeminal inhibition (NTI-tss) splint. It is a partial coverage splint and is used to cover the front teeth only. This prevents contact between the upper and lower back teeth. It has been seen that the force of clenching on the muscles can be reduced by concentrating occlusal contact on the incisors instead of the back teeth.It is especially recommended when the incisors are uneven. It helps to bring about a smooth occlusal surface.

Mostly made from materials based with Silicon, SCI plus is extremely beneficial for patients suffering from clenching related issues. They reduce teeth damage and aid dental restoration. Their use helps to treat dental issues that lead to headaches  or migraines along with neck and jaw pain.