Snap-On Smile review

March 20, 2021

There are many options when it comes to enhancing your smile, but most of them are relatively expensive and take time. What if you could just snap a new smile in place? You can, with Snap-On Smile. It doesn’t require painful visits to the dentist or prolonged treatment options. Is Snap-On Smile a suitable alternative to more traditional treatments? Here is a review of what you should know.


What is Snap-On Smile?

Snap-On Smile is a relatively new, non-invasive cosmetic device available for purchase from several dental offices and online vendors. The appliance is available as a full or partial arch for the upper or lower teeth. It simply snaps over existing teeth without covering the palate or infringing on gingival tissue. Users can speak, eat, and drink easily while wearing the device. And it can be used as a temporary or long-term solution.

A Snap-On Smile does not require any shots, drilling, or adjustments in tooth structure. Each device is custom designed. It simply takes two appointments—one visit to choose the style and shade of the appliance and to take impressions; and one other visit for a final fitting.


Advantages of Snap-On Smile

With Snap-On Smile devices you can transform your smile instantly. They cover up all the aesthetic flaws of true teeth. The material is thin so it doesn’t infringe on gums or bite. It is also strong, and easy to care for. The device is removable. It is also a relatively affordable option compared to other cosmetic dental treatments.


Disadvantages of Snap-On Smile

In some cases, the device can feel uncomfortable, and snapping the device in and out can be difficult. Heat can also soften the device, and consuming hot liquids is not advised. The Snap-On Smile can also stain if you eat heavily pigmented foods while wearing the device. Thus, Snap-On Smile is not a permanent solution. Better to wear short term to boost confidence.

There are also some risk factors associated with Snap-On Smiles and the device can negatively affect teeth and oral health if you are not careful. There is a slight gap between natural teeth and Snap-On Smile where plaque can collect and spread easily. And saliva cannot wash away bacteria, which increases the risk of decay.


Who is a good candidate for Snap-On Smile?

The Snap-On Smile device is a good option for people with the following dental imperfections:
• Stained teeth
• Slightly crooked teeth
• Fully healed missing teeth
• A modern alternative to cosmetic partial removable dentures


Who is NOT a good candidate for Snap-On Smile?

The Snap-On Smile device is NOT a good option for people with the following:
• Cavities
• Gum disease
• Severely crooked teeth
• Jaw misalignment
• Chipped, damaged, or broken teeth
• Need for dentures or restorations for a medical reason
• Other oral conditions


How much does Snap-On Smile cost?

The price varies between $500 up to $3,500. The cost depends on the shape, style, and size of the teeth. Prices can also vary between dental practitioners.


How long will a Snap-On Smile appliance last?

With proper care, the appliance should last approximately three to five years before it needs to be replaced. Longevity depends on proper care, oral hygiene, and habits.


What are some alternatives to Snap-On Smile?

Snap-On teeth are not an ideal option for everyone. And if they are not the best option for you, you don’t have to give up on your hopes of having an attractive smile. There are plenty of alternatives. Professional teeth whitening can eliminate stains for a brighter smile. Clear aligners are an orthodontic treatment to help improve bite, but also straighten teeth. Veneers are thin shells attached permanently to the natural tooth for a fresh new smile. Crowns are mostly used as a restorative treatment, but also have the benefit of improving the appearance of your teeth. And dental implants are a solution for missing teeth that look just like natural teeth.


Is Snap-On Smile worth it?

For many people, a Snap-On Smile device can feel like a life-changing solution. It is relatively cheap and non-invasive. It might be ideal for the graduation, or birthday, or special event coming up. But if you are looking for long-lasting results, the best option may still be the more traditional dental options.