Swindon Dentist shares 5 signs you need to see a dentist

April 01, 2020

Teeth are quite an underrated part of our body. We don’t realize their importance until we lose them. They do so much work and make many things easy for us, and we should not take them for granted. Most of the dental issues are very unlikely to go away just by ignoring it. You most probably need to get treatment, or the symptoms will surely escalate. Here we have shared some signs and symptoms, which may alarm you might have to go to a dentist without any further delay.


You Have Tooth Pain

Although very obvious, you wouldn’t believe how many people ignore this. Patients only go to the dentist when things have gotten out of control. If you experience toothache it is usually for a reason. There is most probably something wrong and that’s why your body is signalling you to do something about it. Even if the pain goes away after a day or two, you should go to a dentist to find out the reason behind it and to ensure it never comes back. Pain might come back stronger than before and do more damage than you had anticipated.


Your Gums Have Swollen

Swollen gums could mean a lot of things, and none of them are good. The most common reason is gingivitis caused by the presence of dental plaque. When hardened plaque gets below your gum line, it causes inflammation and pain. It also weakens your gums and teeth. First, you should make sure there is no dental plaque and tartar buildups by getting your teeth cleaned regularly by the dental hygienist. Secondly, if you notice inflammation in your gums, visit a dentist for a consultation and treat the issue in a timely manner. It could also be a sign of periodontitis, which means the underlying bone is affected, gum recessions are present and deep periodontal pockets make the environent quite difficult for the immune system to handle.


Getting Persistent Headaches

This is not the most common sign, but it could be a sign of dental issues if you regularly wake up with puounding headaches. According to professionals at Ebenezer House, a Swindon Dental clinic, you might be grinding your teeth while sleeping, which causes not only headaches, but damages your teeth as well. The more you wait, the more damaging it is to your enamel. A dentist will make you a mouthguard to stop the damage and headaches.


Sensitive to Hot and Cold

Sensitive teeth might be a sign of weak teeth. How long do you think you can keep up with weak teeth? Sooner or later, they will force you to get treatment. Sensitivity is a warning sign of cavities or tooth decay, which starts its way at the surface of the teeth and makes its way to the vessels and nerves of the pulp chamber, causing immense pain and damage.


There are White Spots on Your Teeth

White spots are the first and most common sign of initial tooth decay. It is basically demineralization, dissolving the enamel of the tooth. It doesn’t usually have any early signs. By the time you notice sensitivity or white spots, the damage would have already begun. This, again, shows the importance of visiting your dentist regularly. If you think a regular check-up is expensive, you would be surprised to see the bill of root canal treatment or dental surgery.


Breath Smells Bad

Bad breath is usually a sign that you don’t brush and floss regularly. It’s the most embarrassing signal, that you need to start taking care of, and take your dental hygiene very seriously. It is caused by an odor-producing bacteria, which accumulate on the food particles left in your mouth after eating (i.e. dental plaque or dental biofilm). Brushing usually clears these food bits to avoid producing more plaque and potentially calcified tartar build-ups. However, many people who take care of their dental hygiene also experience this issue. Make sure you consult a dentist for halitosis (this is the dental term for 'bad breath'), keep your mouth hydrated, learn the proper way to brush, and avoid smoking.