Teething fever in infants

March 05, 2014

Teething is a natural process that involves the appearance of a baby’s first teeth. The first baby tooth comes at any moment between 3 to 15 months giving way to several other teeth to erupt before the teething process ends. The first deciduous teeth emerge through the gums in a natural process that might lead to restlessness as the baby experiences the growth of new features.

Although teething is a painless and easy process to many babies, it can cause mild fevers that most pediatricians explain as insignificant in terms of causing serious health implications. Teething has not been shown to cause strong fever to children. The belief that teething causes harsh fever is common among many parents who see their children experience the same illness symptoms every time a tooth wants to erupt. Swollen gums, drooling, mood changes, face rashes and restless sleep have been considered as symptoms that your child might be teething. These symptoms should not be confused as fever. Drooling, swollen gums and putting fingers in their mouths are normal development stages in babies and do not have anything to do with teething fever. Common symptoms that occur a day or two before or after your baby’s tooth come in might cause mild fever to the baby. You are advised to seek the services of a pediatrician in case your child experiences these symptoms that also include, decreased appetite, ear rubbing and slightly elevated body temperatures. It is also important to note that your child’s fever during the teething period might be as a result of any other illness. You should always seek treatment if your child becomes highly uncomfortable during the teething process.


Typical treatment for mild fevers that result from the teething process include massaging and rubbing your infant’s gums using special wet washcloths that are provided by pediatricians. This will ease the pain as witnessed during the teeth eruption period. Other preferable treatment procedures include the use of special teething aid items teething rings and teething biscuits. You can also use a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if your baby is over 6 months old. Teething gels such as Little Teethers Oral Pain Relief and teething tablets are also available for use by children who are 6 months old and above.


Dentist advice

You should avoid using teething gels and tablets to relieve the pain caused by the natural teething process. You are most likely to misuse these products by applying them when the illness symptoms are not caused by teething process. You should always check with your child’s doctor to confirm if teething is what is causing the fever.

You should also realize that any symptoms related to teething come about 3 to 4 days before and approximately 3 days after the first tooth erupts. Any symptoms that are seen to take longer periods than this might be as a result of other child illness.

It is advisable that you should avoid massaging your child’s gums using devices that are not prescribed by a qualified pediatrician; it is unhygienic and can cause serious oral infections to your baby. Keep the child’s oral system clean to avoid dental lapse in the teething process.