Teething symptoms - what to expect the first time

March 16, 2014

Even though it is impossible to predict when the teething fairy will pay the call, there are a number of teething symptoms that will help you know that she’s on her way. The severity of symptoms can vary from a baby to baby, depending upon a lot of factors.

If your baby has already started showing any of the given teething symptoms, it can be the sign that he/she is already on a verge of getting the first tooth. 


Teething symptoms in babies


1. Drooling: If you see too much of the fluid coming out of your baby’s mouth, it’s a sure shot sign that your child is getting ready for teething. Teething stimulates drooling, which can start from ten weeks to four months. 

2. Face or chin rash: Pouring enormous amount of drool can lead to dry skin or rash around the mouth because of the saliva. Wipe the drool as it happens, and develop a habit of applying the moisturizer on the affected area. Red spots or dryness is the way to determine the rashes. Those two appear almost in all cases of rashes. 

3. Coughing: The drooling can again make your baby to cough a lot. If your baby is not showing any relative signs like fever, flu or allergies, coughing is absolutely a normal sign for teething babies. 

4. Biting: Pressure during teething can cause babies a lot of discomfort, which can be relieved through constant biting. If your child has recently started biting anything that comes his/her way, it can be due to the discomfort. A baby might indulge in biting fingers, toys and even the nipples, if you’re breastfeeding. 

5. Pain: Inflammation of the tender tissue of gum can cause unbearable pain in case of some babies. In fact, the first tooth usually hurts, but babies get он with the pain later on and don't feel bothered. 

6. Irritability: If your baby has started getting irritated lately, or cries a lot, it may be due to the tooth pressure and pokes on the surface he/she might be feeling during the teething process. Some babies might be irritated for a few hours, while others can remain all day long, until they sleep. 

7. Refusal to eat: Teething babies yearn and want to be soothed by anything in their mouths. This is the reason why teething babies get fussy or cranky about feedings, both breast-milk and solid food. 

8. Ear pulling and cheek rubbing: Teething babies are susceptible to furiously pull the ears or rub their cheek. This is because ears, gums, and cheeks share nerve pathways, which is directly related to the ache in gums. If it happens too much, it can even be due to ear infection. Check with an experienced pediatrician for better consult. 


Other popular symptoms might include, low-degree fever and diarrhoea, but doctors don’t really support these facts. Most of these symptoms can last for a few days, but babies who feel more discomfort might suffer from early teething sign for as long as a couple of weeks. For a few lucky babies, teething doesn't even cause any noticeable symptoms at all.

Sequence of tooth eruption in babies