The Importance of Oral Health During Pregnancy

August 03, 2020

Are you pregnant or are you thinking about that? Such good news! Now, the most important thing is your baby's health and yours, of course, so it is invaluable for you to know that if you don't take care of your oral health, it could affect your child's development.

We invite you to read this article until the end. We will talk about some practical tips to have a healthy mouth during the gestation period.


Periodontal diseases


We know that for you the most essential thing is that your baby is born strong and healthy, which is why you should not let oral health care go unnoticed since it is a priority when thinking about your and your baby's general health.

During this period, various hormonal alterations are experienced that are responsible for physical and emotional changes, which can also affect your periodontal health and put your baby's well-being at risk if measures are not taken in time.


Greater risks

Some studies claim that when there is severe periodontal disease during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of suffering:

• Preterm births
• Abortions
• Birth of babies with low weight and height


That is why you must take special care with your mouth and especially with the gums during this period. The gums are like linebackers in the NFL betting odds: they defend your mouth and they are the backbone of your dental structure. Therefore you should keep them clean and healthy.


Why do these oral diseases appear?

High level of hormones: Causes increased blood flow in the gums, making them more sensitive to the presence of plaques and bacteria. We specifically refer to "pregnancy gingivitis". Some characteristics are:

• Inflammation
• Redness
• Gum bleeding, which, if not treated in time, can lead to tooth loss

Between 60 and 75 percent of women during pregnancy have gingivitis. Above all, between the third and eighth months.

Estrogen and progesterone levels: these levels can also influence vomiting and, although this does not constitute a disease during the gestational period, you should know that nausea and vomiting during the first trimester can increase the risk of damage to tooth enamel, because, when vomiting, gastric acids are returned to the mouth, favoring possible dental sensitivity and in the same way increases the risk of caries.

Granulomas: During your pregnancy, benign cysts or tumors may also occur, also called "pregnancy granulomas", these manifest themselves causing inflammation of the gums, with the particular characteristic of presenting cysts. There is a considerable increase in progesterone and estrogens in the body due to hormonal change. Generally, this disease disappears after giving birth.

Alterations in saliva: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can produce a series of alterations in saliva. Its composition is altered.

Physiological xerostomia: This is another type of alteration that you could experience during this period. You feel a strong dry mouth.

Ptialism or sialorrhea: You could also have excess salivation, the opposite of the previous point.
Now that you know some alterations that can occur at the oral level during pregnancy, do not miss these important tips.


Tips for better oral health

Attend dental and oral hygiene checks: First of all, always remember the importance of this type of check, so you can verify if the routine you carry out every day, and the items you use to do it, are suitable for the care of your mouth, teeth, and gums, and to know if there is something that is causing you some discomfort, take advantage of the space and talk to the specialist so that you overcome and reduce the possible risks.

Brushing and frequent flossing: Oral hygiene should be reinforced with these types of products when you are pregnant. You must do it at least three times a day. Use fluoride dental products like toothpaste, and if your dentist tells you to, use a fluoride mouthwash.

Erosion of dental enamel: Vomiting or regurgitation during pregnancy can lead to erosion or wear of the dental enamel, called perimylolysis or perimolysis. If this is your case, it is suggested to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash to remove the residue.

Improve your diet: Try to have a balanced diet rich in calcium. Avoid sugars and carbohydrates, they favor the process of dental caries. However, as we well know that during pregnancy the food portions eaten during the day are greater, if possible, brush your teeth after each one.
Avoid excessive consumption of citric or acidic foods since these can increase the wear of the enamel of the teeth; that is, dental erosion occurs and you could have sensitivity.

Periodically consult with the dentist: If during pregnancy you experience gingivitis, xerostomia, or granulomas of pregnancy, do not hesitate to consult with your dental doctor to give adequate and timely management of these oral diseases. But don't worry, they all tend to disappear after pregnancy, but don't ignore them.


Summing up

Remember that all the food we eat leaves residues in the mouth. We must avoid bad breath and other oral diseases, with the continuous care of our bodies.
We should take into account the necessary attention to our mouthes, so we can smile freely and have a healthy dental hygiene.