Tooth Extraction Aftercare

June 07, 2014

1. It is normal to feel a little discomfort when the anaesthetic (injection or gas) passes off. This can be readily controlled by taking a simple pain relieving tablet (e.g. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol).
2. Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours.
3. Keep your mouth clean. Do not rinse until at least 6 hours after extractions if the bleeding has stopped. Use a simple mouth bath. A solution made up of half a teaspoonful of domestic salt dissolved in a tumbler of hot water should be rested gently over the sockets. You should clean your teeth as normal.
4. Resist the temptation to explore the wound with your tongue or fingers.
5. After 24 hours clean around sutures and socket with a cotton wool bud soaked in Corsodyl.
6. You may experience some swelling around the extraction site, but this is normal. The swelling should start to reduce within a couple of days.

What you should do if bleeding occurs

It is necessary for bleeding to occur from the sockets in order that healing may take place. This, however, will normally have stopped before you leave the dental surgery.
If you notice the following:

1.A persistent oozing or dripping of bright red blood from the sockets
2. If deep red jelly-like clots are repeatedly forming in the mouth, you should:
a) Sit and rest quietly.
b) Take a clean handkerchief and form it into a firm sausage about the thickness of your thumb. Place it squarely over the bleeding socket and bite firmly upon it for twenty minutes. Repeat if necessary.
c) Keep your tongue and fingers away from the socket
d) Please DO NOT rinse
e) DO NOT blow your nose for 1 WEEK after the sinus lift procedure

If you fail to stop the bleeding by using these methods, contact your dentist immediately. Please DO NOT wait for surgery hours.  
