The ultimate guide to treating oral thrush

April 04, 2022

You might have seen white patches on your tongue which can be cleaned by brushing your tongue with a soft bristle brush. It is actually a fungal infection caused by a build up of yeasts. These symptoms also disapper on their own and are often harmless. However, oral hygiene is extremely important as it prevents your teeth from catching bacteria or cavity. It becomes a matter of concern when there is overgrowth of yeast on your tongue. As babies and old age people have lesser immunity so they are more susceptible to getting oral thrush.




Some common symptoms of oral thrush are as follows:

● Creamy white spots on tongue that may become yellow over time
● Loss of taste
● Redness
● Light bleeding from white spots
● Irritation under dentures
● Difficulty in eating or swallowing


Factors triggering signs of oral thrush


There are some causes that may lead to oral thrush. These red flags appear when your immune system is weak.

1. Undiagnosed diabetes - when you have diabetic symptoms but you are did not treat it properly then it may lead to weak immune system resulting in oral thrush
2. High potency medications - some high potency medications also cause oral thrush and may disturb your hormones.
3. Dry mouth - this is the common cause of oral thrush. When your mouth is deprived of saliva due to less intake of water then you are most likely to get oral thrush
4. Smoking or caffeine consumption - smoking causes yeast infection in the mouth as it leaves the mouth dry resulting in oral thrush and many other infections
5. Unfit dentures - when the dentures are not cleaned or fit properly in your teeth they may also cause yeast infection


How to treat oral thrush?


Oral thrush is not a serious condition and is definitely curable. It can be treated in various ways.


1. Follow proper oral hygiene


The health of your teeth and tongue depends on your oral hygiene. If you brush your teeth regularly then you will not get oral thrush. Tongue scrapping is another great way to prevent yeast infection in mouth. It removes any kind of bacteria from your tongue.


2. Regular visit to the dentist


To improve your oral health, it is highly recommended that you pay a visit to your dentist every six months. Getting your teeth checked can determine any underlying infections, cavities or bacteria.


3. Use oral gels and drops


Daktarin oral thrush gel or Nystatin oral thrush drops are highly effective in getting rid of yeast infection in teeth and tongue. You must properly consult with your dentist who will prescribe you medications based on your condition. You can purchase these medications, gels and drops from at discounted prices by using Rx coupons.


4. Apple cider vinegar mouth wash


You can follow some home remedies as well to get rid of oral thrush like you can mix one table spoon of ACV with 2 parts of water. Gargle this mixture and then spit it out. You can do this on a daily basis and will notice a great change within a few days.