What are train track braces?

July 07, 2022

There are five main types of orthodontic treatments available today. Traditional braces, also known as train track braces, consist of metal brackets placed on teeth and connected by an archwire. They are known as train track braces because of the way they look—like a line of train tracks running across the teeth. Metal braces are considered traditional because they are the original type of braces and have been used the longest. And they are still the most common because they are one of the least expensive treatments and are still highly effective.


What are the parts of traditional braces and what are they made of?

The brackets, ordinarily composed of high-grade stainless steel alloy, are bonded to the front of teeth with medical-grade cement. The combined components of the alloy include carbon, aluminum, silicon, molybdenum, chromium, and nickel. The archwires can be fabricated from different alloys. Most commonly they are made of stainless steel, or nickel-titanium alloy, or beta-titanium alloy. These wires are body heat activated and will gently and predictably guide teeth to the proper arch form. And the orthodontic elastics that hold the wire in place on the brackets are traditionally made from natural latex rubber.


Are traditional braces uncomfortable?

The main downside of traditional braces is discomfort. Traditional braces can scratch or cut the soft tissue, the tongue, or the gums. They can also irritate the mucus membranes in the mouth. But typically the discomfort subsides after a couple of weeks.


What are the advantages of train track traditional braces?

Traditional braces can cure any malocclusion—any at all. No other form of braces or aligners can be prescribed for certain types of severe malocclusions. Traditional braces are also the only braces that can support headgear.


Can you get invisible train track braces?

Traditional braces are metal and not easy to conceal. That said, many patients choose neutral, tooth-colored rubber bands to help conceal the metal brackets a little bit. The other alternative is to try ceramic braces. These are similar to metal brackets but are more expensive and less noticeable because they are clear or tooth-colored. Otherwise, the process is much the same.


How long do you need to wear traditional braces?

There are two things patients typically consider when choosing orthodontic treatment: the price and the speed of the process. The length of treatment largely depends on the issue and severity of the malocclusion. But metal braces can correct alignment in anywhere from less to a year all the way up to three years. The timeline is actually faster than ceramic braces.


Are traditional braces cheaper?

Yes. Traditional braces are much cheaper than any other variety of braces. And traditional braces can be administered by any and all qualified orthodontists and do not require any special training.


What are some negative effects of braces?

If you are interested in straighter teeth, the idea of train track braces might put you off. This is because most patients do not enjoy the way that traditional braces look and feel. Most patients experience mild discomfort, soft tissue irritation, jaw pain, difficulty eating, decalcification, allergic reactions, or in some cases root resorption.