What is keto breath?

February 03, 2022

In the last few years, the keto diet has created a lot of buzz and has been growing in popularity. This high-fat, low-carb diet comes with several benefits like lowering blood sugar and shedding pounds. But there is one key drawback that isn’t often mentioned—keto breath. This potential side effect betrays one of the less-than-alluring


What is keto breath and what is the difference between keto breath and halitosis (bad breath)?


Keto breath, different from halitosis, is a form of bad breath caused by a ketogenic diet. Some describe the side effects of keto breath as a metallic taste that may be accompanied by a strong odor. Some patients claim it as a fruity or sweet smell while others have foul breath that smells more like nail-polish remover.


What causes keto breath?

Bad breath is a common side effect of low-carb diets. Instead of breaking down the traditional glucose as a primary energy source, the body starts breaking down fats instead. With the keto diet, fat accounts for a minimum of 70 percent of the daily caloric intake. And the breakdown of fats produces ketones bodies in the forms of acetone, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate.


These ketones are generally harmless. When present in larger qualities, these ketones get removed from the body through urination and exhalation. Hence, the bad breath when expelling the keytones into the air. Having bad breath is one of the signs the diet is working and the body is burning fats and many patients use it as a way to measure ketone levels.


Does a keto diet affect dental health?


Generally, halitosis or bad breath stems from pungent food, bacteria, infection, or cavities. As such, patients often assume the side-effect of keto breath indicates the diet is hurting oral health. Truth be told, the bad breath from ketosis has nothing to do with oral health. In fact, the keto diet can actually help improve oral health. Fewer carbohydrates mean the body is processing less sugar and reduces the risk of inflammation, gum disease, and cavities. Consuming less sugar can also help decrease the risk of cancerous tumors and heart disease.


How long does keto breath last?

Keto breath is usually temporary. Most dieters have found that ketosis breath only lasts for a few weeks. And once the body adjusts to the dietary changes, the bad breath disappears. However, if patients go on and off the diet, the keto breath can return with each cycle.


Can you prevent keto breath?

If it is impossible to put up with keto breath, patients can try to reduce or mask the side effect. Drinking plenty of water is one way to flush out the ketones from the system. Another option is adding natural breath fresheners like clove, mint, or cinnamon to water or tea. Patients might also try chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free mints to mask the odor. In some cases, it can work to adjust the diet by moderating protein intake or increasing carbohydrates a little.


Above all, it is vitally important to brush and floss regularly and use mouthwash. While this may not eliminate keto breath entirely, it will help manage oral health and make bad breath less severe. If the bad breath continues, even after trying some of these tips and waiting patiently, the patient may be suffering from actual halitosis and should make an appointment with the dentist