What is the difference between Snap-On Smile and Invisalign?

August 29, 2019

If you’ve ever browsed online for ways to improve your smile, then chances are you’ve come across the brands Snap-On Smile and Invisalign. These two products actually work in very different ways, so let’s have a look at the difference between the two to clear up some of the confusion.


What is Snap-On Smile?


Snap-On Smile is advertised as a way to instantly give you a flawless smile. It doesn’t actually correct any malocclusion you may have, such as crooked teeth, underbites or overbites. Instead, it’s an arch of teeth made from resin that you can put on directly over your actual teeth.


Who can use Snap-On Smile?


In theory, Snap-On Smile is for anyone who wants a perfect smile without making permanent changes to their mouth. That includes people with crooked teeth, missing teeth or gaps in their teeth. It also includes people with partial dentures who want to try something different.


Does Snap-On Smile really work?


According to reviewers, Snap-On Smile does, for most cases, provide a way to change the appearance of your teeth. However, it is not a solution if you actually want to correct any malocclusion you may have. In fact, some say it may make matters worse.


How much does Snap-On Smile cost?


A Snap-On Smile usually costs between $1,000 and $3,500 per arch, making it cheaper than most braces or clear aligners.


How long does Snap-On Smile take?


Snap-On Smile normally takes a couple of weeks, and on average two dentist visits to get your teeth. Of course, once you receive your arch, in theory you can just pop it on for an instant transformation.


What is Invisalign?


Invisalign is similar to braces in that your dentist supervises you throughout the process, and can make adjustments or request more aligners as needed. The main difference between Invisalign and braces, is that Invisalign is a clear aligner that is barely noticeable and can be removed for a couple hours a day, like when eating. Every few months you receive a new clear aligner that will continue to move your teeth into the correct position.


Who can use Invisalign?


Invisalign is for anyone who has mild to moderate cases of malocclusion, and wants to straighten their teeth in a less noticeable manner. In fact, as many as 90% of cases are eligible for treatment with Invisalign.


Invisalign is also an option for those who have had braces in the past, but whose teeth have moved back to a crooked position.


Does Invisalign work?


In cases of mild to moderate malocclusion, Invisalign does work to move teeth into the correct position. And Invisalign Full, for example, allows an unlimited number of clear aligners to be requested by your dentist, to make sure the desired results are achieved.


Invisalign does require a bit of responsibility on behalf of the patient, however, because they must be worn for most of the hours during the day. Invisalign will not be as effective if not worn as much as prescribed.


How much does Invisalign cost?


Invisalign can cost anywhere between $3, 500 and $8,500, making it a bit more expensive than traditional braces.


How long does Invisalign take?


Depending on the case, Invisalign can take from nine to 18 months, but on average treatment takes over a year. For very mild cases of malocclusion, patients can opt for Invisalign Express, which typically only takes about six months.