What Receding and Bleeding Gums Can Reveal About Your Overall Health

December 16, 2021

Gum disease can be prevented or treated by practicing a good oral health regime. But if it’s left to progress, it could weaken the structure of the teeth. Not only that, according to a growing body of research, gum disease could play a significant role in the development of other health conditions like respiratory disease and cancer.


That’s why it’s important not to skip your routine dental check-ups, even when you’re busy. These routine check-ups can often tell you not just your oral health but how healthy the rest of your body is.


So, if you have noticed receding or bleeding gums, it’ll be explained below what it is and the tips you can take to prevent it.

Receding Gums And Bleeding Gums

Receding gums is a serious condition. Hence, do not dismiss it if you’ve noticed your gums receding from your teeth. This oral condition is generally caused by bacteria that can irritate the gums and damage the teeth, ultimately leading to tooth decay.


What’s more, receding gums is a common indication of gum disease and could increase the risk of grave health complications like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.


On the other hand, most people have probably encountered bleeding gums while brushing their teeth. Although bleeding every so often might simply be because you have flossed or brushed too hard, if it occurs too frequently, it could indicate plaque buildup.


This sticky deposit on teeth forms when food debris and saliva mix together, and it often carries bacteria that can cause gum inflammation. Bleeding gums can develop into gum disease.


However, it can be an indication of other health problems such as hormone changes in women, vitamin deficiencies, and a poor diet.

Gum Disease And Other Health Conditions

Several studies have shown a connection or association between gum disease and other health conditions. Research suggests that gum disease might give rise to other diseases, such as:


● Pneumonia. Some bacteria in your mouth can go into your lungs, which can cause respiratory diseases like pneumonia.
● Endocarditis. This health disease occurs when germs or bacteria from other body parts, like your mouth, penetrate your bloodstream and invade certain areas in your heart.
● Birth and pregnancy complications. Gum disease has been associated with low birth weight and premature birth.
● Cardiovascular disease. Some research suggests that stroke, clogged arteries, and heart disease may be connected to the infections and inflammation that oral bacteria can cause.
● Alzheimer’s Disease. Studies have shown a connection between oral bacteria and the development of Alzheimer’s Disease. The bacteria associated with gum disease could go into the brain and contribute to the development of the brain disorder.

How to Improve Your Oral Health

Keeping your teeth healthy often takes a lifetime of care. It is important to take the necessary steps every day to prevent problems and take care of them, and it involves the following:


● Brush Your Teeth Properly. Doing an improper way of brushing your teeth is just as horrible as not brushing at all. Remember that the way you brush is very important. Move the toothbrush in circular and gentle motions to get rid of plaque.
● Don’t Forget Your Tongue. Plaque can also accumulate on your tongue, leading to oral health problems such as bad mouth odor. With that said, every time you brush your teeth, don’t forget to brush your tongue gently.
● Flossing. Most people who regularly brush forget to floss. Keep in mind that flossing is not only for getting stuck pieces of food out of your teeth. It is a way to reduce plaque, stimulate the gums, and help lower gum inflammation. Floss at least once a day to gain these benefits.
● Mouthwash. Mouthwash is important for good oral health. It helps remineralize the teeth, cleans difficult-to-reach areas in and around the gums, and cuts down the amount of acid in the mouth.
● Drink Plenty of Water. Water is the best drink for your health. It’s vital to drink water after every meal to wash out some of the acidic and sticky foods that clung to your mouth.
● Fluoride Toothpaste. Choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. This substance provides a barrier for your teeth and fights germs that lead to tooth decay.
● See Your Dentist. You should see your dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings at least twice a year. By doing so, they can look for cavities, remove calculus, spot potential oral issues, and offer treatment solutions, such as pain medications. If you’re given prescriptions to treat oral problems, get a discount card to save money.

Final Words

Your oral health plays an all-important part in your overall health. Failure to care for your teeth can raise your risk of developing other health conditions like pneumonia, cardiovascular disease, and more. That’s why it’s essential to take care of your teeth properly. Follow good oral hygiene and regularly visit your dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings.