What to Do When Your Teeth Start Falling Out

February 08, 2021

The majority of people lose their teeth when they get old. Such loss is caused by tooth decay, teeth fracture, or gum disease. Is there a relation between getting old and teeth loss? It’s a misconception that you lose your teeth as you age. Some individuals stay with their teeth until their later stages of life.


When your teeth start falling, it causes a lot of inconveniences in your life. You will have difficulties in speeches and loss of function. You won’t enjoy your life fully, thus making individuals find ways of replacing the lost teeth. What do you do in case you start losing your teeth? This article will discuss everything related to teeth loss and how you can overcome the situation. Please read on to find out more.

What causes teeth loss in old age?

Getting old is not a guarantee that you will lose your teeth. Some people end up getting old with their teeth intact. However, such people are very few. Many of them lose their teeth after attaining 50 years and above. What causes this tooth loss? There are many factors related to teeth loss. These include:


Tooth Decay: When you start experiencing tooth decay in your youth stage, you can be sure of having no teeth when you age. Tooth decay begins from a young age. When you don’t take precautions early, you end up losing your teeth before old age. What happens during old age is the root caries. This situation involves having less saliva in the mouth, which leads to the decay of the teeth roots. Other causes include dental replacements, which aren’t checked regularly, leading to the entire teeth lineup’s deterioration.

Gum Disease: When you age, you are at the highest risk of contracting gum disease. When not controlled, the gum disease damages your gums and teeth, causing the teeth to fall. To avoid this condition, you need to visit your dentist regularly. The dentist will check on your tooth and treat any conditions caused by gum disease. You also have to maintain the gum health.

Oral Cancer: Oral cancer risks also increase with age. The more you get older, the more you are at risk. However, the condition can be catalyzed by some lifestyles. It is essential to undergo regular mouth cancer screening to check on the disease. You should seek treatment immediately if you suffer from this cancer disease to revert the situation and secure your teeth.

Dry Mouth: When you have reduced saliva, which happens mostly in old age, it leads to infections and the formation of cavities. This negatively affects your teeth, and some will start falling. What causes dry mouth? The condition arises from medical conditions or taking some medication. Other causes include failing to take some minerals, dehydration, and other mouth conditions. It’s essential to visit a dentist if you have this prolonged situation.

Medical conditions: There are medical conditions that worsen the oral formation of older adults. These include some old age and lifestyle diseases. Such medical conditions include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. There is also a strong connection between gum disease and heart disease, mostly to the elderly. Others include type 2 diabetes. If you have such conditions, it’s important to get medication to avoid worsening the situation.

Medical effects: Old age will subject you to so many medicines to control your body functions. Some of these medications do not go well with your dental formula. They can limit the saliva flow, stain the teeth or create bacteria that damage your teeth. Some of these medications include antidepressants, Parkinson’s medication, Bisphosphonates, and high blood pressure drugs. When taking such medication, it’s essential to visit your dentist and regularly check the teeth condition. It will help reduce the complications and will secure your teeth from damages and falling.


Gum Change: When you age, your gum becomes weaker and sometimes prone to diseases depending on your lifestyle. If you are fond of putting your mouth into traumatic experiences, you may suffer gum damages more. Things you should be aware of include receding gums, which exposes your teeth to harmful and toxic materials, leading to tooth damage and decay. Also, exposed root surfaces lead to tartar invading your teeth, leading to teeth decay.


Which are the teeth replacement options for the elderly?

Of course, when you lose your permanent teeth, you don’t expect them to grow again. The situation becomes even worse when you lose more than one tooth. Losing your teeth reduces the loss of function, makes your face sag, and leads to low self-esteem.
Losing your teeth at old age is normal. So many people are experiencing this, and it doesn’t signify the end of life. Fortunately, there are many ways of restoring your smile. The dental specialists behind https://cuttingedgeperiodontist.com/services/all-on-4-dental-implants/, located in Burbank, CA, say that there are many ways you can enhance your lifestyle after suffering teeth loss. Some of these methods are temporary, while others enhance your formation permanently. Here are the techniques explained in detail.


1. Dentures


Having dentures is a temporary solution to your missing teeth. It is one of the methods used by our great-grandparents to replace the missing teeth. The technique helps to improve the patients’ function as well as to provide dental support. How does one get fixed the dentures? For this process to be successful, you have to visit a specialist. The specialist will check on the situation and determine if you are fit for the procedure. They will have to make an impression as you visit another time to have the dentures fixed. The method is inexpensive and not invasive.
It’s essential to visit your dentist and have the situation assessed. What are the disadvantages of this method? As compared to other fixed options, this method traps food particles while eating. It may require removing the dentures as you eat or sleep. There are different types of dentures fixations to choose from. These include:


Acrylic dentures: These are thicker and mostly made from plastic. They are reparable and can be used in temporary situations where tooth extraction is expected. It helps you fill the gap as you wait for the permanent replacement.

Cobalt chrome dentures: These dentures are thinner and are more accurate compared to acrylic dentures. They have a reduced risk of plate fracture and are mostly used in teeth with no further repair.

Nylon Dentures: This is a suitable replacement for a few missing teeth. It rests on gums with the support of other teeth. The method can cause gum sores if used on multiple teeth, and it’s flexible – it can be out and removed at any time. The clasps match the gum, making it provide a more aesthetic value compared to other dentures.


2. Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are permanent fixtures to replace the missing teeth. They are supported by the adjacent teeth then fixed permanently using dental glue. If you undergo this procedure, you have to clean your teeth to ensure the fixtures last longer and not attract gum disease or tooth decay. Dental bridges are easy to fix. You only need to visit the specialist to assess the situation, have an impression taken, and then visit to have the bridge repaired. This method’s disadvantage is that it inconveniences the other teeth since they have to be crowned to support the bridge.

The neighboring teeth also have to be strong enough to support the bridge. The more the gap, the wider will be the bridge. This situation might make the other teeth feel overwhelmed, thus falling off too if precautions are not taken. Most dental bridges are made of ceramic material. Other materials include porcelain and metal. The choice of the material depends on your budget and the dentists’ suggestion, depending on your condition.


Are Dental Bridges better than Implants?

Dental bridges are only better when wanting a quick fix, and you don’t need any surgery in fixing your teeth. You can have dental implants when you have a weak jawbone. Dental bridges also provide a natural aesthetic and make one chew any food type without damaging the bridge. You can have your dental bridge in seven to fourteen days, depending on your dentist.

3. Dental Implants

You have probably heard about dental implants since they are the commonly used methods to replace missing teeth in the elderly. Dental implants are permanently fixed options that involve securing the artificial teeth to the jaw bone using a screw or an anchor. It is regarded as the perfect teeth replacement by many specialists where the teeth root gets replaced by the screw. Above the fixture, there is an abutment usually made of gold, ceramic, or titanium, representing the tooth structure. This structure then gets covered with a crown.

Can tooth Implants fail?

The aged individuals do not use their teeth carelessly. This situation gives the implants a success rate of 95% to 100% if they are fixed and used with care. You also need to check on the brand of the implant you are receiving to ensure you are getting something of quality. Some of the brands will give you a lifetime experience, with added aesthetic value.

Besides having the best brands, you have to practice oral hygiene and take care of the implants. Oral hygiene protects the teeth and implants against corrosion and wear caused by germs and prevents disorders like gum disease. You should also be visiting the dentist regularly to have the implants checked and get some adjustments, if necessary.

Is the process of getting implants painful?

Undergoing a dental implant process isn’t painful. Most people are concerned about this, with some failing to seek the specialist’s services. Mostly, the whole process is entirely painless. The specialists use special equipment and will numb the area. They then use particular painkillers to avoid patients feeling the pain. For those who are anxious, the whole process can involve sedation, where you are made to sleep until the entire implant procedure is complete. You will only feel a little pain when recovering.


How do you keep the older teeth and implants in shape?

You can adapt many procedures to keep your remaining teeth and the implants in shape during old age. These procedures ensure your remaining teeth and your implants are healthy, and you don’t suffer from gum and mouth diseases. Below are some helpful tips to follow.


Limit taking sweet and starchy foods: These food types are not healthy for your teeth. They corrode and enhance bacterial buildup, which damages your teeth and the implants. Ensure you brush your teeth and have dental floss after taking such foods.

Brush your teeth and floss daily: You need to practice oral hygiene at all times. You should brush and floss your mouth at least twice a day. This procedure removes any food particles, which prevents the buildup of bacteria. It also reduces risks of decay, plaque, and gum disease.

Regular dentist visits: You need to regularly visit your dentists to have your teeth and implants checked. Through these visits, the specialist will detect any abnormalities and give you more tips on taking care of your teeth.

Quit smoking if already on it: Smoking is terrible for your teeth and the implants. If you are into it, stop it immediately. It also lowers your immune system and reduces oxygen in the blood, which significantly affects your health and teeth. At times, your dentist may refuse to do some implants if you have lower immunity. Smoking also causes teeth discoloration and may lead to oral cancer.

Protect your dental work: You must protect all implants, fillings, and crowns at all costs. Never use them to chew hard foods, eat ice, and other items to avoid discoloring, eroding, and damaging them.

Always take a balanced diet: During old age, your body is a bit sensitive. It is essential to take a balanced diet and eat healthy food to enable your body and teeth to stay healthy at all times.


If your teeth have started falling, it’s essential to take urgent steps to have them restored. The action will also ensure the remaining ones are secured. Visit a specialist today to have the situation assessed. The specialist will recommend the best practice for you and guide you on taking care of your teeth during old age.