What to Expect During and After Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

February 27, 2024

Following your wisdom tooth extraction with dentists іn North York, allow yourself ample time tо heal and rest comfortably. This means taking time off work and other activities tо ensure proper recovery. Remember, excessive bleeding can hinder healing, sо be sure tо notify your dentists іn North York immediately іf any significant bleeding occurs.

If you received IV sedation оr general anesthesia during your procedure, you might experience some dizziness afterwards. For this reason, it's crucial tо have someone accompany you home from the surgery tо ensure your safety and well-being.


Pain after wisdom tooth surgery is an expected part of recovery, but there are ways you can lessen its severity.

On the day of surgery, it is vital that you arrive on time and with an empty stomach. A local anesthesia injection or possibly intravenous (IV) sedation will be given in order to keep you drowsy during the procedure.

After an extraction, a blood clot will form to help prevent infection and accelerate healing. Spitting or rinsing vigorously could dislodge this clot and restart bleeding; rather, bite down onto a clean gauze pad with firm pressure for 24 hours after an extraction to maintain this healing clot.
Swelling can also be a result of wisdom teeth removal. Applying an ice pack to the surgical site for 20 minutes at a time may help alleviate swelling while pain medication may provide some relief from discomfort.


Bleeding is an expected and expected part of surgery, and minor post-surgery bleeding or blood-tinged saliva aren't unusual; they will resolve over time.
If you experience heavy or prolonged bleeding after surgery, moisten a tea bag and apply firm biting pressure (for extraction sites) or direct finger pressure (biopsy sites) over the surgical site to try to control and slow bleeding. This should help control and slow any hemorrhaging.
Your oral surgeon will place gauze in your mouth after surgery to help keep blood from pooling and speed up healing, so make sure to replace it as soon as you return home. Drinking through a straw may dislodge blood clots and cause dry sockets; it is best to eat soft foods for the first few days after wisdom tooth removal as well as drink plenty of water to remain well hydrated during recovery; they may recommend antibiotics which you should follow the directions on for.


Swelling is a normal part of recovery from surgery. Usually at its worst around days 3-4 post-surgery, though its impact can persist for longer.

To reduce swelling, it's recommended that an ice pack be applied directly over the surgical site for 20-minute increments, taking breaks as necessary. Doing this may also help alleviate pain.
Avoid excessive mouthwash or tooth brushing as this could dislodge a blood clot from its surgical site and increase pain, bleeding and inflammation.

Eat and drink as normal; however, if your mouth feels uncomfortable or you experience excessive bruising, inform your dentist. He or she may suggest soft foods such as yogurt, smoothies, milkshakes, apple sauce or cottage cheese in order to promote faster healing. It's crucial that adequate nutrition be consumed during this period in order to speed up healing time.


Wisdom teeth removal surgery may seem routine, but even so can bring unexpected complications that require extensive recovery time. Therefore it is crucial to follow the instructions of your oral surgeon after having them extracted and immediately report any severe pain, excessive bleeding or any unusual symptoms to Innovative Implant & Oral Surgery as soon as possible to minimize discomfort and ensure healing is proceeding according to plan.
As part of your preparations for wisdom tooth extraction, you'll meet with an oral surgeon and discuss your health history before they explain the procedure and provide post-op instructions.
Before your surgery begins, an intravenous anesthesia will be administered, and after completion it'll take an hour or less to finish. After your procedure you'll be released and given pain reliever or antibiotic as required before driving home afterwards.