What You Need To Know About Diabetes And How To Help Someone With This Disease

April 27, 2021

Diabetes can be a difficult condition to manage. People suffering from the condition must monitor their diet constantly, check their blood sugar levels frequently and take medications to maintain steady blood sugar levels.


Over 29 million Americans are living with diabetes. Diabetic conditions can be complex and there are multiple types of diabetes. Here we will talk about the main points you should be aware of regarding diabetes and what you can do to assist those around you.

What Is Diabetes?


Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to produce or utilize the hormone, insulin, normally. When your body converts your food into energy (also known as sugar or glucose), insulin is released to transport that energy to your cells. Insulin functions as a key, allowing a cell to open and accept glucose through its chemical message. As a result, too much sugar remains in your blood if you produce little or no insulin or your insulin resistance is high.

What Are The Types Of Diabetes?


Diabetes can be divided into two categories, type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 Diabetes


In people suffering from Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce insulin. Diabetes type 1, also called juvenile diabetes, is most commonly diagnosed in children or adolescents. However, it is also seen in adults. Diabetes of this type accounts for 5-10% of all diabetics.

Type 2 Diabetes


Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body is not producing enough insulin or when the cells are unable to use insulin properly. Insulin resistance is one of the most common causes of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is also known as "adult-onset diabetes" because it is generally diagnosed late in life, usually after the age of 45. The disease is responsible for approximately 90-95% of diabetes cases.


Note: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemia (HHS) are two of the most severe symptoms of diabetes.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Diabetes?


Unusual weight loss
Extreme hunger
Blurry vision
Frequent urination
Increased tiredness
Extreme thirst


Note: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperosmolar hyperglycemia (HHS) are two of the most severe symptoms of diabetes. Both are similarly characterized by high glucose levels but the differences observed in dka-vs-hhs are noticed in their Mechanism of action, Epidemiology, the Mortality rate among other factors.

Helping People With Diabetes


If you have a close friend or working colleague living with type 2 diabetes, you may be worried about their health and well-being. Chronic diseases like diabetes require lifelong management. You cannot remove the disease, but you can provide comfort, support, and kindness in a variety of ways.


Do Not Nag


It can be frustrating when someone with diabetes makes unhealthy choices, but there is a thin line that separates continuous support from nagging. You might be able to help your loved one if you tend to act less like the “diabetes police” or lecturer.

Encourage Healthy Feeding


A change in eating habits is difficult for someone who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, but their blood sugar levels must be kept within healthy ranges to avoid complications. Begin by joining education classes or scheduling a health-related meeting with their dietitian, learning the most effective diet strategies, and then help them make better meal choices and participate with them.

Accompany Them To Appointments


Be very specific if you are willing to help someone with diabetes. “Perhaps I can help,” is too broad, and few people will accept your offer. If you can provide more specifics about the type of assistance you can offer, they may be receptive to it. Offer to take them to their next physician’s appointment, or to accompany them to meetings of their support group.


Be Observant


Diabetes type 2 patients sometimes experience a drop in blood sugar levels. This may lead to fatigue, cloudy thinking, and weakness. Learn what the symptoms of low blood sugar are, and how to treat them if the individual is at risk. Be aware of these symptoms and take action if you observe any changes in their behavior. You may develop an early symptom of low blood sugar before the symptoms become apparent.

Exercise Together


Regular physical exercise is important for those managing type 2 diabetes as is a healthy diet. Losing weight and staying active can help lower blood sugar levels. Even though following a regular exercise routine can be challenging, it is more likely that you will stick to it if you are accountable to someone. Offer to work out with one another regularly.

Finally, although it is common to feel helpless when you are told a family member has diabetes, your determination and support will assist them through the toughest times. Be positive, provide specific help, and learn as much as possible about the disease. You may think these efforts are unimportant, but they can have a significant impact on someone’s life.