Zirconia Crown: A Combination of Beauty and Strength

December 30, 2023

Zirconia crown is a popular choice for dental restorations as it offers lifelike tooth replacements. These crowns cater to dental restorative needs where strength and beauty are essential for teeth replacement. Let's explore how these crowns have transformed dentistry, particularly in fixing broken or damaged teeth.

Zirconia crown offer the right kind of solution when it comes to fixing dental caps or tooth caps. These crowns are made from Zirconium Dioxide, a white powdered ceramic material. It is known to address all the concerns related to the form and function of the damaged, broken and lost teeth.

What are the Qualities of a Zirconia Crown?


Zirconia is a fantastic choice for a dental crown material as it accommodates all the important requirements. Let us look at the many qualities that make zirconia crowns popular among dentists and patients. They possess:

High flexural strength 
Natural appearance
Crack resistance 
Stain resistance 
Translucent look 

These characteristics make zirconia an excellent material for dental crowns, offering many benefits to the patients.

What Are the Advantages of Zirconia Crowns?

They resemble your natural teeth and blend with your original teeth in terms of shape, size, and colour.

They offer good strength and durability that allows them to bear daily teeth' wear and tear, like biting and chewing.

They are comfortable and offer a precise fit as they are customised as per the patient's needs. 
Zirconia crowns are more robust than PFM (porcelain fused to metal) and many other types of crowns.

They do not need as much original teeth removal as other kinds of crowns, ensuring minimal loss of tooth structure of the original teeth. 

These crowns are metal-free and made with biocompatible materials that are safe and non-toxic. Hence, they are safe for people with metal allergies. 

They do not cause hypersensitivity and can resist hot and cold temperatures.

Types of Dental Crowns:

1) Metal Crowns: Metal crowns are known for their durability and are usually manufactured from alloys comprising gold, nickel, or chromium. They are mainly used in the areas of your mouth that are less visible. They offer good strength but have poor aesthetics.

2) Ceramic Crowns: Porcelain and other ceramic crowns are some of the ceramic crowns that offer high aesthetics. They are frequently used for front tooth restorations. Zirconia crowns are more robust than Porcelain crowns.

3) Porcelain Fused-to-Metal: PFM crowns blend metal and ceramic. They combine the beauty of porcelain with the strength of metal. They are made up of a porcelain-covered metal substructure. They offer a natural look, and the metal supports daily teeth functions. In some instances, the porcelain might chip and impact the appearance by exposing the metal layer under it.

4) Monolithic Zirconia Crowns: These crowns are made from a single block of zirconia ceramic material. Zirconia, a robust and biocompatible substance, is known for its durability and natural appearance. These zirconia crowns do not consist of layered materials like traditional crowns. They offer uniform consistency as they are milled from a single zirconia block.

5) Full Contour Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns with full contours offer strength and a natural look. They provide a strong structure and are known for their wear and tear resistance, making them the material of choice for the back teeth. 

Zirconia Crowns are the most advanced and latest dental crowns available today. They almost resemble your natural teeth in the matter of beauty and strength. One should go for branded zirconia crowns with assured quality and a lifetime warranty. Illusion Zirconia Dental Crowns are one of the leading brands made with US FDA-certified materials and provide an international plus lifetime warranty. Finally, it is advisable to consult your dentist before choosing the crown that suits your needs.

What Is the Process of Zirconia Crown Preparation?

The Process of Zirconia Crown Preparation Usually Involves the Following Steps:


Examination of Tooth: The dentist will thoroughly examine the patient's teeth and gums and perform diagnostic tests including X-rays or other tests as necessary. It is used to assess the condition of the tooth needing a crown. Along with the treatment plan, the dentist will help you select the appropriate zirconia crown as per your case.

Preparing the Tooth: The next stage is preparing the tooth for the zirconia crown. To guarantee that the tooth will fit the crown properly, the dentist will shape the tooth and remove any decay or damage.

Impression or Digital Scans: The dentist will take an impression of the tooth and its surrounding tissue after the tooth has been prepared. After taking the impression of your prepared tooth, the dentist sends it to the dental laboratory to prepare the dental crown. The dental laboratory then uses the impression to fabricate the zirconia crown.

Temporary Crown: Meanwhile, your dentist will place a temporary crown over the prepared tooth to protect it and provide functional support till your permanent crown is ready.

Zirconia Crown Placement: After receiving the customised zirconia crown from the dental lab, your dentist will remove the temporary crown and fix the permanent crown. The permanent crown is cemented onto the prepared tooth using dental cement. The dentist then finishes the procedure by making the final adjustments.


Post-Placement Care: The dentist will advise the patient on post-treatment care for the dental crown. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Avoid hard or sticky foods that can damage the crown, and regular dental checkups will help in retaining the crown in good condition.

Design of Zirconia crowns requires 3D computer-aided software (CAD/CAM). Once the digital designs are ready, they are transferred to advanced technology milling machines to mill a physical crown. The latest software and advanced technology help in preparing a precise and perfect zirconia crown.

All the above points make zirconia crowns a leading choice for dental restoration.