What is it Really Like to Have Invisalign

August 20, 2019, Langley Dental Practice

Invisalign is an alternative method to traditional braces for straightening teeth using a series of clear aligners. Many people are often conflicted between choosing Invisalign or metal braces for their treatment. Before opting for Invisalign, here are some things you should know about what the treatment is really like.

The aligners are virtually invisible

Invisalign is designed to fit your teeth so that your aligners are virtually invisible. At Cooney Orthodontics (Troy and Ballston Lake, NY), a number of our patients tell us how many of their friends didn’t even know they had their aligners in. This discretion is a beneficial option for those who want a straight smile but don’t want others to notice their braces.

The cost is about the same as metal braces.

For people seeking orthodontic treatment in the Capital Region, one of the biggest misconceptions is that Invisalign is significantly more expensive than traditional metal braces. However, the costs are typically very similar! To get an accurate cost estimate for you, schedule a consultation with your orthodontist.

Invisalign gives you more flexibility than braces.

As opposed to metal braces, you’ll have the ability to remove your Invisalign clear aligners throughout the day. Recommended wear time is at least 22 hours per day, but you can take out your aligners as needed for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. This eliminates those pesky food restrictions that exist with traditional braces treatment and gives opportunity to remove the aligners for other important meetings or events.

Treatment with Invisalign isn’t very painful.

During the first few weeks of treatment, you may experience mild discomfort as your teeth are getting used to the feeling of wearing aligners, which is perfectly normal. However, people who have Invisalign treatment do not report feeling extreme pain or discomfort. In fact, they often comment on the comfortability of the aligners!

Invisalign treatment is appropriate for all ages.

When people think of Invisalign and braces, they may think it is only for teenagers. It is never too late to transform your smile! Invisalign offers a variety of treatment options for people of all ages. In some cases, it may even be more beneficial for adults to use Invisalign treatment because it has minimal impact on daily routines!

With Invisalign, it’s never been easier for patients near Albany, NY to embrace their smile with freedom and flexibility. To learn more about Invisalign treatment and to find top-tier Invisalign providers in the Capital Region, visit Invisalign Albany.



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