Full Cast Gold Crown

May 31, 2015

Full Cast Gold Crown
Dental Gold Crown
Gold Dental Crown

Gold has been one of the first materials to be used for dental restorative work. In fact, the gold crown has been the choicest dental restoration right from the beginning. Though many materials are now available to dentists, full cast gold still holds the pride due to its inherent qualities.

Gold Content

A full cast dental gold crown is a single piece that is casted somewhat like gold jewelry. According to prescribed norms it should contain about 60% of noble or precious metal out of 40% should be gold. The other precious metals are palladium and platinum. Besides these copper, tin, silver and others may also be added. A gold alloy is much stronger than pure gold itself which is too malleable to work with. The crown may either be rich yellow or somewhat whiter due to these metals.


Though there are several factors that make full cast gold crowns a good choice, some of the main advantages are as follows:

  1. The biggest benefit of using gold restorations is its longevity and reliability. No other dental restoration can have the same durability.
  2. Good strength of the gold alloy ensures that it does not get damaged or fractured by chewing forces. This makes it ideal for the back teeth, i.e., the molars and premolars.
  3. Its basic pliability doesn’t harm the opposing teeth like porcelain, i.e., there is no abrasion.
  4. Additionally, it fits more exactly at the margins, making it the most suitable material for dental restorations.
  5. Another of its assets is that it is biocompatible unlike other metal crowns. This includes no discoloration or oxidation. Besides, it is least likely to cause gum inflammation or an allergic reaction.
  6. Gold crowns do not absorb fluids nor are they susceptible to accumulation of plaque.
  7. The coefficient of expansion for a gold restoration and the teeth structure is the same. In other words, it expands and contracts like natural teeth on hot and cold stimulation from food and beverages. Therefore it doesn’t crack or chip.
  8. Full gold cast crown does not need to be very thick because of its tensile strength. Thus, it does not require excessive reduction and preparation of teeth allowing the dentist to save more of the original tooth.


The only drawbacks would be its color and cost.

  1. There is a general impression that these would be more expensive, but the reality is that their cost is comparable to that of porcelain crowns. Though, of course, it is more costly than a semi-precious or a base metal crown. However, as these last long, they turn out to be more cost effective in the sense that no costly repairs or replacements are needed later on.
  2. Where aesthetics is the main concern, such as when restoring the front teeth, its yellow color becomes its biggest drawback. This stands out from among the natural teeth and spoils the overall appearance.
  3. In rare cases, micro gaps may remain during casting which may increase the chances of decay.

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  1. PFZ dental crowns
  2. PFG dental crowns
  3. PFM dental crowns


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