Important Information About Dental Implants For Better Results

July 01, 2019, BlackBurn Dental Centre

If your dentist has suggested a dental implant to replace a tooth, it is important to ask a lot of questions and satisfy yourself completely before you sit in the dentist’s chair and begin the treatment. There are many crucial questions that include the process, the time it will take to get the implant, total cost as well as the expected outcome and its longevity that you should know about before making the decision to go ahead with the treatment. Dental implants is one of the most effective treatments of modern dentistry that help to replace missing or lost tooth and enjoy natural looking teeth in the long run but it is not that easy. It is a long and up to an extent a complex process that needs your cooperation and dentist’s expertise to ensure desired outcome. First of all, you must know what an implant exactly is and how it works. An implant is a threaded titanium screw that is strong enough for a post to be placed inside it. This screw is placed in the jawbone surgically that replaces the root of the infected tooth. This way the jawbone gets a new root over which an artificial tooth is placed. As the post is placed surgically in the jawbone, it might take some time for the jawbone to heal, anywhere from 1 to 3 months depending on the condition of the jawbone and individual case. You can go for single implant or multiple implants depending on your need as missing teeth can create a lot of problems in biting, chew, eating and even speaking and can affect your looks too.  The best thing is to consult your dentist who will advise on the number of implants you require to enjoy youthful appearance and normal face structure.  There might be a chance that your body rejects the dental implant but this only occurs if your body is allergic to titanium alloy that makes up the implant. Another reason implants fail is the patient’s ability to care after surgery so it is essential to talk to your dentist and discuss things in detail to benefit from this treatment. Placing a single implant can take only half an hour or more depending on the bone condition while multiple implants can take 3 to 4 hours as it is a complex process. The dentist will work with digital imaging to do a satisfactory job. Once the posts are in place, it will take some time to heal and the dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to keep an eye on your recovery. Once the artificial tooth is placed over the implant, it is hardly noticeable and no one but you and the dentist will know that you have a dental implant.  The dentist will match the color, shape and size of your other teeth to come up with the crown that will be placed over the implant and it will feel completely natural and restore your oral as well as aesthetic functions most effectively. Dental implants Blackburn can last up to 10 years with proper care and maintenance. They can even last a lifetime if the patients are careful and properly brush and floss their teeth and follow the dental recommendations made by the dentist. Only brushing and flossing cannot guarantee long term success of the treatment but visiting the dentist regularly can help to seek advice on how care for implants and enjoy pain and trouble free results.