Tips on How to Choosing Dental Digital Xray Machine

February 13, 2020, oyodentaluk

As a dental professional, you need the ability to accurately diagnose patient conditions and plan their treatment, and a portable dental X-ray machine makes that possible. As a dental professional, you need the ability to accurately diagnose patient conditions and plan their treatment, and a portable dental X-ray machine makes that possible. However, with the wide variety of options on the market, it can be hard to know exactly what you need. While shopping, you may want to keep the following features and considerations in mind. If you’re new to digital radiography, you might not be sure about where to start when choosing a system to purchase. Here are four things to consider if you’re thinking about making the investment. 1. Improved image quality — When I used traditional film, once the X-ray was taken and developed, that was it. If the solution needed to be changed or the temperature varied, we had to live with the consequences of an image that was either too light or too dark. But due to the nature of digital imaging, I now expect consistent quality. 2. Ease of use — The digital sensor on my system is easy to use and easy to move around inside the patient’s mouth. It’s as easy as this: Shoot, move the sensor, take the next X-ray. Then, I don’t develop, mount, or file the X-rays by hand. Instead, the digital image is automatically saved, dated, numbered by tooth, correctly oriented, and mounted. It’s a time- and labor-saver. 3. Single-size, comfortable sensor — The dental intraoral x-ray sensors that I chose, the DEXIS Platinum, comes in one size that fits both children and adults comfortably. The corners are rounded, which allows for a more comfortable experience than film; that, in turn, means less stress for the clinician who takes the radiograph. Also, the sensor has a direct USB connection, so the assistants can transfer it easily between operatories. 4. Company reputation — When purchasing a new system, it is important to find a company that cares about your practice and your patients. Customer service should be a priority. Any time we have encountered an issue, it has been resolved quickly and efficiently. Before you invest in a digital X-ray system, do your research. I asked colleagues about their systems and what worked—and didn’t work—for them. That’s how I narrowed my selection down to DEXIS. I am really satisfied with my choice.