Why Should you Consider Getting Dental Implants this Christmas

December 27, 2017, BlackBurn Dental Centre

Sometimes, we can end up losing our teeth, this could be due to trauma, disease or extreme tooth decay. Often is the case, when you would get a root canal, and it turns out that the tooth falls off, as the root canal surgery has failed. Other times, you may have to have your teeth extracted because the root canal cannot be performed to save the tooth. In the past, people had to opt for dentures which often feel unnatural in the mouth. Today, that is no longer the case because we have dental implants. Whether you are old or young, a tooth implant can be a great way to restore your smile, and your ability to enjoy hard foods. Also, you don’t have to worry about removing them like dentures, as they are a permanent fixture in your mouth that feels like your real teeth.  Accordingly, if you are considering getting dental implants this Christmas, then this article is for you – so you should carefully read and understand the content of this article to help you become more informed about the procedure and everything else that you need to know about dental implants. Accordingly, there are a set of questions you should ask your dentist before getting dental implants. Certainly, asking the right set of questions are important, because you should always know what is involved in your dental implant surgery. So, here are those all-important questions you should ask your dentist. Do I Have Enough Bone to Support a Dental Implant? Often, patients may skip a bone graph, this is a cost saving option that patients may opt for, but it is not recommended that you skip a bone graph. If you don’t have enough bone density, then it is useless for you to get an implant. Therefore, make sure your dentist is honest with you when it comes to assessing the bone density for the implant.   Do I Have Enough Attached Gingiva? You see, there are two types of Gingiva. There is the attached gingiva that surrounds your teeth. Then there is the mucosa type that is below the attached gingiva, it is usually redder in color compared to the latter. Mucosa gingiva is hard to clean and can become inflamed. So, asking this question is imperative, as it can save you a lot of trouble and heartache with your dental implants. Will my Surgery Be Guided or Freehanded? Modern technology has enabled some dentist to do computer guided surgery. This type of surgery is also known as CGI surgery. CGI surgery enables the dentist to see exactly where the implant will go, and how it will look. However, CGI surgery can be more expensive compared to traditional means, so if money is no object, and perfection is important for you, then CGI surgery is the way to go for your dental implant surgery. The reason for the higher cost is that your dentist will have to take additional steps that come with computer guided surgery.   Conclusion: Now that you know what to ask you’re your dentist when you go in for a Dental Implants in Orleans, you will be a lot more confident going in for the surgery.