3 Treatments and Procedures to Help You Face the World with More Confidence

October 18, 2020

Self-consciousness is the enemy of confidence. The value of confidence cannot be overestimated. Things that make us self-conscious can cost us opportunities in every aspect of life.


When that which makes us self-conscious is a feature of our face, the resulting blow to confidence can be quite devastating. Consider the importance of eye-contact. If you have moderate to heavy nystagmus, you can’t do it, eye-contact is not just difficult, but impossible.


The challenge is not just that of self-confidence. It is a matter of how we are perceived by others. You may be just fine with your body image the way it is. Unfortunately, humans often harshly judge books by their covers and people by their lest-flattering features. You don’t have to be a lifelong victim of this bigotry. Here are a few things you can do to restore your confidence in the face of adversity:


Cosmetic Surgery


Fearing the cost of facial plastic surgery, many who could benefit from it never take the next step because it can be difficult to determine in advance how much they will need to pay. Every procedure is different because every face is different. The good news is that some procedures such as rhinoplasty to improve breathing will be covered by some insurance.
Some of the cost-bearing factors include the following:


• Type of anesthesia
• The type of procedure
• Desired outcomes


Facial plastic surgery is so broad as to almost be meaningless. It makes more sense to narrow it down to specific categories. There are procedures that are strictly cosmetic, and those that are corrective or otherwise medically motivated. It involves everything from a minor lift and tuck to major reconstruction after an accident.

Plastic surgery is the most direct and comprehensive set of procedures one can consider for getting their life and confidence back on track. It should only be considered with the consultation of a specialist you trust.


Procedures That Help You Find Your Smile


If the eyes are the windows into the soul, a smile is that soul’s expression to the world. Unfortunately, due to accidents or deformities, smiles are impossible for many people. According to this helpful explainer on the difference between frenotomy, frenectomy and frenuloplasty,
A very tight labial attachment makes it difficult to smile properly as it restricts the movement of the upper lip. The crevice formed due to a thick frenlum may even cause a muscle pull or even a frenum tear. Further, a diastema or space can form between the upper front two teeth due to overgrowth of the maxillary labial frenulum. This is a cause for concern as it affects the aesthetics of the face. These abnormalities may either be congenital, i.e., by birth or may develop later due to oral surgeries.


This is why procedures like frenotomy, frenectomy and frenuloplasty exist. Not only can they correct these types of anomalies, they can restore the kind of confidence that can make a difference in whether or not your next job interview ends in celebration.


Defeating Ageism


When it comes to perception, there is age that demands respect. And there is age that garners concern and pity. If you are competing for work in a field dominated by thirty-somethings, you want to exude the former and not the latter.


WebMD recommends prevention as the best way to fight premature aging. But they also provide other options besides a full facelift such as forehead and brow lifts. Your surgeon might recommend either a classic lift or an endoscopic lift. The classic lift involves a continuous cut from one ear to the other along the hairline. While the endoscopic lift involves smaller, more targeted punctures. The procedure is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time.


The appearance of premature aging is a real problem for many people. It cannot be dismissed as a matter of vanity. For a growing swath of the population, it is also a matter of opportunities lost. As more people live longer and healthier lives, more opportunities to be productive are necessary. When those opportunities are limited because of surface-level bigotry, we all lose.


By now, we all know that confidence wins. It wins life-partners. It wins employment. It wins politically. Confidence is the secret weapon of winners everywhere. Your face is the first thing people notice. If it causes you to be less confident, there are many things you can do about it. Not all of those things involve surgery. Just know that there is a procedure for just about anything. If surgery is your best option, it is likely more accessible and affordable than you think.