6 Best Tips For a Healthy Smile

February 08, 2022

Looking for ways to keep your smile bright and sparkly? Here are the six top tips to keep your oral health in top condition.


Eat Healthy Foods


Milk products are known to help reinforce enamel and protect the health of your teeth. If you are looking for calcium-rich foods, consider nutritious choices that include milk, yogurt, kefir, and cheese.


Fiber-rich foods also contribute to oral health. Foods high in fiber are reported to aid the flow of saliva, aiding in the prevention of bacteria. High fiber foods include items such as black beans, kale, spinach, lentils, and garbanzo beans.


Low-sugar fruits such as apples are also highly recommended. Apples tend to cleanse the teeth and can even assist in eliminating bad breath. Who knew? Grandma was on to something when she said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”


Avoid Unhealthy Foods


While you’re choosing smart foods, also pay attention to avoiding unhealthy foods. While we often think that food is not crucial, when it comes to a healthy smile, your choices make a big difference.


Unhealthy foods tend to be sugar and starch-filled foods. For instance, many sugary sodas and beverages are loaded with sugar and do intense damage to the enamel of your teeth. If you make an effort to switch to water as your main beverage, you’ll help out your smile—and probably lose some unwanted pounds at the same time.


Beware of candies and gums as they are loaded with sugar and extremely sticky. This causes the sugar to stick to your teeth, promoting bacteria and causing cavities. Steer clear of candies, and if possible, opt for a piece of fresh fruit, such as an apple.


While we all love our morning brew, black coffee and tea can stain the teeth. This can result in your teeth having a yellowish hue and appearing stained. Experiment with herbal teas as you seek to avoid or reduce your caffeine consumption.


Get Regular Checkups


Talk with your dentist to get a yearly schedule for checkups and cleaning. In many countries, the standard is a bi-annual checkup. This enables your dentist to check your teeth and gums. Your dentist or hygienist will be able to spot any changes and make recommendations to ensure you keep your healthy smile.


Make Brushing and Flossing a Habit


Brushing your teeth is probably something you’ve been doing since you were a child. But have you checked your oral health technique lately? Talk with your dental hygienist or dentist to make sure you are up-to-date with current recommendations. You may just learn a thing or two at your next appointment.


Flossing is a great way to keep the gums and teeth healthy and happy. If you’ve been avoiding flossing, try to get started on this healthy habit. Habit experts suggest starting with tiny improvements to make a healthy habit part of your daily routine.


You may find that habit stacking is useful in making a habit of flossing part of your physical hygiene ritual. For instance, make flossing part of your pre-sleep ritual. Place a container of floss on your washcloth, so you see it before you retire for the evening. You may even want to put a picture, cartoon, or note by your sink so that you see a visual reminder.


Commit to Getting Started


If a family member is living in a senior facility, you can use data-driven solutions to support dental health. Today’s assisted living technology can ensure that a resident's health is being properly monitored and cared for. Data enables you, your caregivers, or a senior facility to support the health needs of your loved one and offer effective care.


With this assisted living technology, you can make, remember and keep important appointments with your dental hygienist, dentist, or implant specialist. You can also interpret data to act as a medical concierge for helping residents get the oral care they need promptly.


Be Accountable


If you’re committed to having a bright smile, practice being accountable. Make an appointment today to take the next step. Many people find that even the smallest step makes a difference. For example, buy yourself a new toothbrush. Get a different kind of dental floss or dental ribbon. Upgrade your oral health routine by sprucing up your bathroom.


Taking care of your oral health is a great way to protect your smile. Start today to keep your beautiful smile radiant and healthy!