Get Your Smile Back: The Complete Guide To Dental Implants in 2022

August 22, 2022

Despite the increase in awareness and initiatives to improve oral care, a significant portion of Americans suffers from some form of oral issue. A large number of those require replacements in the form of dentures and partials. These solutions have issues that far outweigh their benefits.


Nevertheless, with advancements in the field of dentistry, there are now better alternatives to restore your smile in the form of dental implants.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant procedure involves replacing the damaged or missing tooth as well as your tooth roots with metal screw-like posts. Thus giving you teeth that look and function like real ones.
A superior alternative to bridgework and dentures, they are a boon for patients lacking natural tooth roots which can’t support either of those two options.

The state of your jaw and the type of implant will determine your implant surgery which can involve several procedures. The complicated procedures provide natural support for your teeth which can take several months

What Is Involved in Getting a Dental Implant?

The process of dental implant surgery is a multidisciplinary approach. A team of experts in dental surgery and restorative dentistry like those at Marylebone Smile Clinic will devise an individualized treatment plan specific to your needs.

After the implant option best suited for you is chosen, then the titanium implant is placed in your bone socket in place of the missing or damaged tooth. The bone then grows around the small metal implant which can take about 6-12 weeks. Then a small connector post called an abutment is secured to the implant which will help hold your new tooth.

The new tooth called a crown will be modeled after your bite which captures all aspects of your real teeth. As the tooth will be implanted into your jawbone, it will mimic your natural teeth. The dentist will also ensure that the color of the implants matches your real teeth.

If you are worried about pain, don’t be. The procedure is done using local anesthesia and a lot of the post-operative soreness can be treated with over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol.

Signs You Need to Get Dental Implants

Now that you know what dental implants are and what’s involved in the process, let’s look at the tell-tale signs that may suggest the need for dental implants.

1. Missing Teeth
Missing teeth aren’t only a blow to your self-esteem but can also hamper your eating habits. The missing tooth can also lead to recurrent headaches and infection. Whether you have a chipped tooth or missing one entirely, an implant can fill that gap naturally.
An implant will enable you to eat, talk and smile comfortably by seamlessly blending in with your natural teeth leaving your friends and family none the wiser.

2. Loose Dentures or Loose Partials
For most people, an invasive procedure like dental implants isn’t the first option for damaged teeth. However, with time or as a result of poor care, your dentures may become loose and ill-fitting. Not only does this cause pain and discomfort but can also lead to gum irritation.
Rather than waste money and time with frequent visits to the dentist to replace your dentures, a dental implant is a one-time permanent solution that works just like your natural teeth. Now you can confidently show off your restored smile with prosthetic teeth without worrying about dentures falling off during eating and drinking.

3. Infected Tooth
There are many causes of an infected tooth which can range from poor oral hygiene to gum disease and existing comorbidities like uncontrolled diabetes. To help you identify whether you have a tooth infection, look for these signs:

● Worsened pain on lying down
● Throbbing toothache
● Throbbing neckache, earache, or aching jawbone
● Fever
● Malodor
● Distorted taste sense
● Cheek swelling
● Sensitivity to pressure in the mouth
● Sensitivity to extremes like cold or hot foods and beverages
● Tenderness or swelling  in the neck

Ignoring them can cause it to spread to the rest of your body leading to fever and headaches. The swelling caused can also hamper swallowing and breathing which can lead to life-threatening consequences.

After replacing the infected tooth with the dental implant, you can take care of your teeth the same way as you would normally with brushing and flossing. The dental implant needs no extra care.
Consequently, all of this requires the tooth to be pulled out and replaced to prevent further complications.

4. Loose Bridge
A loose bridge is similar to loose dentures and poses similar issues. Dental implants can prevent these consequences while serving as durable replacements for the long term.

5. Sunken-In Facial Appearance
One of the disadvantages of wearing dentures long-term is deteriorating appearance. The characteristic sunken-in look results from bone loss. This is because dentures have no roots so they don’t stimulate your jawbone to regrow vital periodontal tissues. Subsequently, your jawbone continues to regress resulting in the caved-in appearance.

Dental implants solve all these problems. The implants have tooth roots made of zirconium and titanium which seamlessly blends with the bone by the process of osseointegration and promotes bone growth. Furthermore, the additional natural lift accompanying the implant makes a marked upgrade in your appearance.

6. Broken Tooth Or Severely Cracked Tooth
In most cases, a dental crown may be suggested initially if the damage isn’t severe. For severely damaged teeth, an implant is a better option.
A tooth broken below the gingival line or with damaged pulp requires the tooth to be replaced. Both cases run the risk of infection. Dental implants are a durable solution to these issues while retaining your natural smile.

7. Insecurity About Your Smile
Every individual deserves to smile and laugh freely to their heart's content. Missing or damaged teeth can seriously affect your self-esteem and confidence to show your teeth. Despite dentures, partials, and bridges, many hesitate to express their happiness comfortably.
Dental implants allow you the freedom to confidently show off your pearly whites. No longer do you have to suppress your smile or cover your mouth among friends and family when you are taking pictures next time.

8. Difficulty Chewing Food
A missing tooth takes away more than your confidence to smile. It affects one of the most important functions of teeth, i.e. eating. Each tooth has a different function in the process of eating food. For instance, incisors allow you to bite into your food, canines let you tear at meat or chewy textures whereas molars help you grind food to tiny swallowable pieces. Missing any one of these can seriously affect your diet. You may need to eat food of a particular consistency or avoid some foods altogether.

Dental implants are just like your real teeth and can mimic their function. You can comfortably eat your favorite foods with dental implants without worrying about damage or infection. However, remember to curb sweets and soda for your remaining teeth and overall health.

Benefits of Dental Implants

If the above indications haven't convinced you to book your next appointment at the dentist, our list of benefits sure will.
●  Dental implants mimic your own teeth as they are fused with the bone, thus unlike dentures they look more natural and enhance your smile.
● Ill-fitting dentures and missing teeth can cause speech to be slurred. Dental implants avoid this problem so you can speak freely without the worry that teeth might slip.
● Unlike dentures and bridges, implants are fused to your bone so they feel natural and eliminate the discomfort associated with removable dentures.
● Sliding dentures make chewing difficult as well as pose the risk of choking. On the contrary, you can enjoy your favorite foods painlessly and confidently with implants.
● Recover your smile and self-esteem with dental implants.
● Unlike tooth-supported bridges, dental implants don't require reducing other teeth. As the teeth remain intact, your long-term oral health isn’t compromised. The easier access to inaccessible parts of the teeth in individual implants also improves oral hygiene.
● The durable implants will keep you from the dentist’s office for years to come and with good care even a lifetime.
● Even removable dentures seem convenient at first glance. The repeated requirement to clean them as well as the messy adhesives when they become loose far outweighs their merits. Dental implants require no extra upkeep and can be cared for just like your natural teeth.

Who Can Get Dental Implants

Although dental implants are a revolutionary step towards better oral aesthetics and health, there are some people who are less likely to benefit from them.
If you suffer from any periodontal disease, it is best that you delay the procedure until you have recovered. You should also consult your dentist if you have received radiotherapy in the head/neck region or suffer from heart issues. Here are other patients who should look for alternatives to dental implants:

● Any autoimmune condition which hampers healing.
● Uncontrolled diabetes.
● Medications that delay healing.
● Smokers and Drug abusers.

Risks of Dental Implant Systems

Despite a 98% success rate, like all procedures, there are some risks associated with dental implants. However, complications are rare and can be mitigated with an experienced dentist and dedicated oral care after the surgery. Some of the risks include:
● Injury or damage to the teeth or blood vessels.
● Damage to nerves which can lead to tingling and numbness in the teeth and chin.
● Infection at the implant site.
● Sinusitis from implants in the upper jaw which can protrude into the sinus cavities.


The benefits of implants are numerous, and most importantly, they return the thing most precious to you - your natural smile.
If you are suffering from any of the issues listed, you should schedule your next appointment with your dentist and consider getting dental implants. Gone are the days of suffering from loose dentures and unnatural bridges and partials. Get your implants and confidently display your pearly whites to the world.