Established in 1977, we are a small, family run dental laboratory supplying dentists accross th UK with:
Crown & Bride work, e.max and Zirconia
Occlusal splints
Custom made sports Mouthguards
Essix retainers
Anti-snore appliances
Clear Aligners
We are a digital laboratory using the latest 3Shape scanners and software and are able to supply scanned CAD/CAM, e.max, Zirconia, PMMA crowns.
We are also able to supply 3d printed resin models for cases such a Clear Aligners.
We pride ourselves on our incredibly reliable and efficient service we offer to our dentists.
All of our technicians are fully qualified and GDC registered with a minimum of 20 years experience.
Once a case has been passed from the model room to the main lab, it is allocated a technician who sees the case through from start to finish, ensuring a consistently reliable high standard of work. This gives us the confidence to guarantee every case that comes through our doors.