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Cookies Policy

Cookies and IP Addresses


DentaGama records statistical data and improves site performance through the use of cookies. This is not unique to DentaGama, but rather a practice used by all commercial websites. Dentagama uses cookies to verify your account information. We also use cookies to communicate to us if you are logged in. In this way, we can make access to the website easier for you. We make no association between the information stored in a cookie, including your IP address, search history, geographic information, and your personal identity.


What statistical data does DentaGama record?

DentaGama records statistical data including: IP addresses, operating system types and browser types. This information is always anonymous.


What are cookies?


A cookie is a small vessel for information, or a text file, and it is sent by a web server to a web browser. The browser then stores the file. The file is sent back to the server whenever the browser is used to access that server. In this way, the server can identify and track the browser.


This process allows websites to remember the users who access those sites, and it helps websites to work better. Dentagama uses cookies to find out how users interact with the site, so that we can improve the user’s experience.


The information that Dentagama gleans from the cookies falls into the Collected Information category. Any advertisers and service providers who use our site may send you cookies as well.


What kind of cookies does DentaGama use?


As mentioned above, we use cookies from our own server, and cookies from the servers of third parties, like advertisers and service providers.


How long do cookies last?


Cookies normally expire at some point, but that can range from the moment you log off of a site to months. Cookies are also renewed by DentaGama everytime you visit. These cookies normally expire after a week to a month of inactivity. The cookies that DentaGama uses to improve user experience can last up to two years.


Turning off cookies


If you haven’t changed the settings on your browser, it is most likely that it is automatically accepting cookies. If you do want to turn off your cookies, your browser’s help section will tell you how. If you do block or delete cookies, you may be restricted from accessing DentaGama or other sites. 

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