Dealing With Degrading Teeth and How to Stop it

June 25, 2019, Pro Teeth Guard

Dealing With Degrading Teeth and How to Stop it
Dealing With Degrading Teeth and How to Stop it
Talking of dangers of teeth degradation.

The teeth are usually that part of your body; you don’t pay much attention until it starts to hurt. And if left untreated, degrading teeth can lead to severe problems, including the death of your dental nerves and the eventual fall of the tooth. So, why don’t start taking better care of it right now? If you started noticing some spots, erosion, and sensitivity don’t panic. There are plenty of solutions you can follow.

What causes teeth degrading?

Not brushing your teeth at least twice a day, and forgetting to floss will probably lead you to some dental health issues. But other external and internal factors might play a significant role in this.
•    A diet rich in sugar, including acidic foods and soft drinks
•    Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
•    Acid reflux disease
•    Dry mouth or low salivary flow
•    Medication such as aspirin and antihistamines
•    Bruxism or teeth grinding
•    Alcoholism
•    Brushing your teeth too hard

What are the most common problems?

One or more of the cause mentioned above, adding to the lack of proper hygiene and regular visits to the dentist, can cause some severe problems to your teeth. Dental cavities, gum disease, and infections are just the start of the problem.
•    Tooth decay, if left untreated can lead to the death of dental nerves,
•    Gum disease, or commonly known as gingivitis. In this case, bacteria eat away the gum tissue and ligaments, leaving the tooth loose.
•    Tooth root infection, which can cause facial swelling and abscesses
•    Enamel degradation, when the outer cover of the teeth starts to erode, leaving the teeth unprotected to bacteria. This is one of the leading causes of teeth sensitivity.
How to stop and prevent it?
If you are in the early stages and still don’t feel any pain, there are a few things you can do at home. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t regularly have appointments to your local dentist. It is recommended to have appointments at least twice a year, for regular teeth cleaning and a mouth health check-up.
•    Invest in a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush at least twice per day.
•    Don’t brush your teeth too hard. This will only war your down your enamel, leaving your teeth exposed, or encourage gum diseases.
•    Limit snacks between meals.
•    Avoid too many acidic foods.
•    Use a neutral fluoridated mouthwash daily.
•    Use a night mouth-guard if you have teeth grinding problems. This solution involves making sure your teeth won’t grind or clench during your sleep, protecting from enamel erosion.
•    Buy desensitizing toothpaste, if your teeth have sensitivity for hot or iced drinks and food.
If you feel the urge to have snacks during the day, opt for food that can actually help to prevent tooth decay such as:
•    Fiber-rich fruits, including apple, plums, pears, and celery
•    Vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and broccoli
•    Calcium-rich foods, like cheese and fermented yogurt
•    Xylitol sugarless chewing gum
•    Unsweetened black or green tea
•    Water with fluoride
•    Nuts
•    Wholegrain and cereals (without sugar)


Now, if you are already feeling pain, noticed holes on your teeth, or abscesses, you should find a dentist immediately. Do not wait for your yearly appointments, as your symptoms might evolve rapidly into more severe complications. These are some of the most common treatments your dentist might follow.

Tooth Decay

If you are unlucky to develop a tooth cavity, your dentist might have to follow some repair procedures. If your dentist can’t see the cavity from the outside of your tooth, it might be required an x-ray exam. The standard procedures include filling or restoration, fluoride treatment, replacing your teeth natural crown, and a tooth canal. In severe cases, it might consist of damaged tooth extraction. This last option is rarer to occur. The dental code states that removals should always be the last resort.

Gum Disease

If your gums are bleeding, it might mean you have developed gingivitis. In this case, the dentist will probably have to prescribe you antibiotics to combat the infection.

Root Infection

The only solution for a root infection is a root canal. It is a lengthy and complex procedure, but aesthetics are always used, so you will not feel any pain. The dentist will have to drill a hole in the top of the infected tooth, clear and remove all infected pulp tissue and nerves, and then fill it back with a sturdy material, which will prevent bacteria from entering.

Enamel Degradation And Sensitivity

Depending on the stage or enamel degradation, your dentist might opt for treatments including bonding, crowns, or inlays. Surgical gum graft might also be applied, it will protect the root and reduce sensitivity. If your enamel erosion is caused by bruxism, you can also request a customized mouth guard.

Final Thoughts

Remain vigilant regarding your mouth health. Like any part of your body, it will give you symptoms that something is not right. Lousy breath, sharp tooth edges, weak enamel, black or white stains, and tooth pain are the most common alerts you should seek medical help. So, stick to a healthy dental care routine and visit your dentist regularly.


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