When should you opt for the use of teeth aligners

December 11, 2019, Langley Dental Practice

When it comes to teeth loss, one of the most recognized and successful ways of dealing with teeth loss is by the use of a dental implant. However, for the misaligned teeth, you can visit your dentist in order to advise on the best way, either the use of braces or Invisalign.


Both braces and Invisalign works in the same way but the Invisalign is usually invisible and they help in improving the long term oral health. In addition to these two, there are home teeth aligners that are recommended and are very effective. There are several dental conditions that may influence the use of teeth aligners. Below are some of the conditions.

Presence of gaps between the teeth.
Teeth gaps are caused by several causes such as; the way the jawbone grows, missing teeth thus causing a shift of the remaining teeth. Exposure of the gum may bring about periodontal diseases and it is thus very important to use Invisalign in order to prevent gum exposure. Invisalign will close all the available gaps thus lessening the gum exposure to bacteria that may result in diseases.

Open Bite.
Open bite occurs when the upper teeth fail to make contact with the lower teeth. This may be caused by genetics or even thumb sucking. There are many oral issues that may result from this. For instance, the patient is unable to chew food properly and there may be issues when it comes to speaking. It is important to have it treated early enough as it may lead to jawbone disorders.

Crowded bite.
In this condition, there is very little or no space in your jaw to contain all teeth. When the patient has such a situation, the dentist may recommend that some of the teeth should be extracted so as to create and develop healthy teeth. In order to successfully facilitate this, the dentist may use Invisalign so as to prevent the remaining teeth from growing in a misaligned position.

This is a situation that occurs when the upper teeth appear or bite the inside part of the lower teeth. This condition often results from genetics, development of the jaw, the kind of lifestyles that the patient could be leading, etc. The patient may develop a lot of painful oral disorders. When you visit a dentist, you will be given advice on how to best take care of your teeth and use of the home teeth aligners.

This is the opposite of crossbite. The upper teeth protrude abnormally in front of the lower teeth. Just like the other conditions, it is can be caused by genetics, oral habits as well as how the jaw develops. This situation leads to wear and tear of the bottom lower teeth as well as other jaw problems. The use of Invisalign can be put in place to fix this situation.


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