Tips for healthier teeth

May 10, 2020, Langley Dental Practice

Tips for healthier teeth
Tips for healthier teeth
If you want to keep your teeth till you get old then you must start taking care of your teeth when you are young. Taking good care of your teeth is not only important for your oral health but your overall health. Here are a few tips for healthier teeth that you can follow.


Brush your teeth before you go to bed: We all know that brushing your teeth twice a day can save your teeth from any tooth problem but still we ignore it. The most favourable time for germs and plaque to get formed is night. So brushing your teeth before going to bed can save your teeth from many oral diseases.

Brush your teeth properly: Brushing teeth is not enough but how you brush them is equally important. When brushing your teeth, move your brush gently in a circular motion to remove the plaque from the corners of the teeth.

Flossing is equally important as brushing: Many people neglect flossing but it is extremely important for healthy teeth and gums. Flossing not only remove the plaque from the places when your brush can’t reach but also stimulates the gums.

Drink lots of water: Water is the best way to create more saliva which is good for teeth. Sugary drinks help plaque to deposit at your tooth and gums; water helps to remove the plaque and germs.

Avoid Sugary food: If you love to eat sugary food then you must pay more attention to your teeth. Sugary food encourages plaque on your teeth and hence early decay of your teeth. If you are eating sugary food then brush your teeth after eating that.

Limit your alcohol and tobacco consumption: Consuming alcohol and tobacco dissolves the natural enamel of your teeth which could lead to the cavity in your teeth. To avoid such a problem you should limit your alcohol and tobacco consumption.

See your dentist for regular check-ups: This is one of the most important tips. No matter how nicely you are taking care of your teeth but it is still important to visit your dentist once in six months. Your dentist will do a detailed check-up of your teeth and let you know if there is any problem. You can visit Angel Smiles Dentistry if you are going through any of the dental problems.

For any dental treatment, you can visit Angel Smiles Dentistry and you will get the best treatment.

Article By: Zalak Daftary, DDS


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