Top Business Marketing Tools for Dental Offices

November 13, 2020, Functional Aesthetic Dentistry

Marketing Tools for Dentists
Marketing Tools for Dentists
Through all the turmoil and challenges the pandemic of 2020 has provided, there are still ways for dental practices to thrive. We outline how in this article.

Marketing Strategies for Modern Patients

Not only has the dental industry been through many changes over the years, but patients are also looking for new ways to engage with their dentist. With the growth of technology, dental practices have seen many changes in the way they operate and provide services. Gone are the days when a dental practice could simply pop a listing in the local directory and sit back as new patients call.

These days, patients are looking for convenient ways to find out about their local dental practices. Not only does tapping into modern marketing strategies of digital ad campaigns provide you with valuable leverage, but it makes your practice appear to be in tune with modern marketing technologies.

It’s essential for dental practice marketing tools to be kept up to date during this unprecedented time. While we are amid the CCP Virus pandemic, providing your patients with the ability to stay connected is vital. It allows you to engage with your patients and lets them know that you’re still here and ready to serve them. While you are busy implementing the new guidelines to ensure the safety of your staff and patients, marketing should not be forgotten.

Combine traditional ways of marketing for dental practices with modern methods and techniques:

• Social Media Platforms
• Digital Ad Campaigns
• Professional Website
• Shoppable Posts
• Email marketing
• Remarketing, Etc.

As technology evolves, dentists need to stay ahead of the game to increase their market share. These days, patients can choose from several local dental practices, so put yourself at the top of the search. 

How do you do this? 

Reinvesting in your marketing tools and team is essential. A good rule of thumb is to allocate 3% to 5% of your profits towards marketing. 

Top 10 Marketing Tools for Dentists

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing allows you to keep in touch with your patients in a convenient, cost-effective way. This marketing for dentist offers a great way to remind patients about their appointments, sending out safety guidelines, and more.

2. Online Booking Capability

These days, younger patients are looking for a way to book appointments that is quick and convenient. Target those younger patients by giving them the method of booking that they are after. It also gives you an effective way to fill in last-minute booking slots.

3. Sending Out Appointment Reminders

A keyway of marketing for dentists is by gently reminding your current patients that they are due a visit. These reminders will help to grow your business and can be done via telephone, post, or email.

4. Attend or Sponsor Local Events

Attending a school career day or sponsoring a local event are both great ways to build your brand awareness. Establish a connection with local communities by building relationships.

5. Build a Website

Never underestimate the power of having a high-quality website as a marketing tool for your dental practice. Many potential patients will go to your website and you’ll want to make a great first impression. Your website should be quick to load and easy to navigate, otherwise, users will simply leave.

6. Boost Search Engine Rankings

It is not good enough to have a quality website, you need to know that patients can find you. To do this, you need to optimize your website so that patients searching for local dental offices can find your practice. SEO is an essential marketing tool for a dental office.

7. Google My Business & Bing Listing

Claim your Google My Business and Bing listing so that local people can find you among the list of dentists in the area.

8. Create a Blog

A blog is one of the most powerful marketing tools for dental practices. Many patients are searching online for advice about their oral care. If you provide people with information, you are more likely to get repeat patients. Tap into your knowledge and use it to share your expertise.

9. Artificial Intelligence Chatbot

Not only do your younger patients want to see this type of service, but it has become important during the COVID-19 pandemic. A chatbot is an artificial intelligence software that will simulate a real conversation using text and video. Your potential patients can seek answers to their questions in a timely fashion.

10. Google Map Ads

Allow drivers who are traveling through the area to know that you are nearby. Digital ad campaigns are great marketing tools for a dental practice as they let you know how many potential patients engaged with your ads.

Video Marketing for Dental Offices

Video marketing is a powerful marketing tool for a dentist’s practice, as it provides your audience with engaging content. Potential patients are far more likely to engage with a video over a block of text. With YouTube growing in popularity, it can be essential for gaining awareness for your business.

The ideas for videos are countless, but here are a few:

• Answer frequently asked questions
• Share positive testimonials
• Discuss and address oral care topics
• Explain procedures such as root canals or veneers
• Give a tour of the dental office

As you can see there are so many valuable content ideas for video marketing for a dentist’s practice. You can find more content for video editing for the dental industry here.


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