How to Take Care of your Bad Breath

February 24, 2016, Langley Dental Practice

According to statistics, about 25% of Americans suffer from bad breath, and this result from improper dental hygiene. Failure to brush and floss daily after meals allows some food particles to stick to your teeth and gums. The food particles left on your tongue starts decaying, thus emitting fouls smells.

An unclean mouth is a growing hub for bacteria, which can potentially lead to gum diseases and is one of the major causes of bad breath. A smelly mouth is also contributed by the types of foods that we take. Some of the foods that contribute to a bad breath are garlic, onions and cheese. Once these foods are digested, their oils go to the bloodstream which carries them to the lungs. The end result of all this is that they are released back to your mouth as a bad odor.

In addition to consuming the above foods, there are other ways that you can get bad breath.

Having a dry mouth: Saliva generally cleanses your mouth. A lack of saliva allows dead cells to build up thus causing the morning breath. This can worsen if you sleep with your mouth open. Smoking also contributes to dry mouth. In some extreme cases, problems with salivary glands can leave your mouth unusually dry. Drinking a lot of water prevents your mouth from becoming so dry.

Chronic diseases: Sometimes, there are underlying health conditions that cause bad breath. Lung infections, kidney and liver failure and several other disorders are often associated with halitosis.

Malnutrition: Intense dieting as well as starvation can result to bad breath due to the breakdown of chemicals that occur during fasting.

One of the most qualified dentists in Texas, Mark C. Marchbanks, D.D.S.recommends that you can use some the following ways to beat bad breath.

  • You should avoid the foods and beverages that bring about bad breath. Also, you should minimize alcohol intake.
  • Learn and make it a habit to brush and floss after utmost five minutes of eating. This should be done at least twice a day.
  • Drink a lot of water to keep your mouth moist and clean. You should note that other beverages, especially carbonated drinks, cannot help your breath.
  • Ensure that your meal contains lots of vegetables and reduce your intake of meat.
  • You should go for dental checkups after every six months. If you have severe gum conditions, it is recommended that you should visit your dentist after every four months.
  • If you wear dentures, or removable braces, you should ensure that you clean them thoroughly once per day.
  • Chewing a gum or candy is important in stimulating production of saliva and this helps in washing away food particles and bacteria.

Practicing these habits on regular basis keeps your mouth clean and ensures that you have a fresh breath.


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