How To Avoid Coffee Stained Teeth by Sage Dental

August 03, 2016, Sage Dental Of Belle Glade

Avoid Coffee Stained Teeth
Avoid Coffee Stained Teeth
The staining and discoloration of teeth is something that affects everybody at some point, especially is you drink coffee. Besides causing bad breath or halitosis, coffee can cause your teeth to become thin and brittle because helps the bacteria in your mouth create acids that can lead to tooth enamel erosion.

The staining and discoloration of teeth is something that affects everybody at some point, especially is you drink coffee. Besides causing bad breath or halitosis, coffee can cause your teeth to become thin and brittle because helps the bacteria in your mouth create acids that can lead to tooth enamel erosion.

If you like to indulge a cup (or two) of coffee in the morning, here are some tips that can help you protect your teeth while doing so:

 1) Use a Straw. When drinking a staining drink, then through using a straw you will reduce the amount of the drink that washes over your teeth and stains them. (We appreciate that you may look strange with your red wine)

2) Floss. The main cause for stain on the edges of teeth is due to the lack of flossing. Not flossing causes plaque to build up in between teeth.

3) Brush your teeth right after drinking coffee. Brush your teeth within half an hour of drinking a cup of coffee could ensure your teeth suffer worse damage.

Even though our love/hate relationship with coffee is pretty much just love, it is important to remember that we should minimize the amount of coffee intake per day to one cup. Not only will this help our teeth … By minimizing the amount of coffee, we will reduce the effects of stains on our teeth and will be able to remove them easier.


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