Chest X Ray
Chest X Ray

A widespread non-invasive radiology test that provides with the image of the chest along with the internal organs is known as the chest X-ray test. A chest X-ray involves radiation coming from an X-ray machine. Well, to get the results of the chest X-ray one has to briefly expose his or her chest to the radiation and an image will be produced in a digital computer or film.

Process of preparation for chest X-ray
During the time of the chest X-ray, the patient has to wear a special gown and has to get free of all the metals from his or her body. In case of a pregnant woman, she has to notify it to the radiologist so that the fetus doesn’t get exposed to the unwanted and harmful radiations. During the time of the test, a protective lead cover will be placed in the abdomen to protect the fetus from the harmful radiations.

The procedure of chest X-ray
We have already discussed that a patient has to wear a gown when the process of X-ray is going on, and he or she has to get rid of all the metals like zippers, bras, necklaces, buttons, jewelry or anything metal. Well, the reason behind this is the metal will interfere with the images of the tissues and it will be hard for the radiologist to get the reports. Then, the technician will ask the patient to stand in front of the surface that is adjacent to the film, which will record the image. The chest will be the closest of the surface, and the other part of the machine will release the radiation, 6 feet away from behind the patient. While going through the process, the patient has to stand in an appropriate position and has to take deep breaths and hold those breaths.

Reasons for doing chest X-rays
There are numerous reasons for which a doctor suggests going through a chest X-ray. When one goes through certain symptoms, you have to conduct a chest X-ray to know the reasons behind the complications. Let us know about the symptoms that demand a chest X-ray:

•    Shortness in breath

•    Chest pain

•    Fever

•    Persistent cough

These are the most common symptoms for which you have to go through a chest X-ray. Apart from these symptoms, there are some other symptoms for which you may have to go through a chest X-ray.

Risks associated with chest X-rays
Well, no significant risks are associated with chest X-rays as the rate of radiation is quite low but there are some individual cases, which needs to be taken care of when they are going through chest X-rays. If a pregnant woman is going through a chest X-ray, she has to inform it to the doctors so that the X-ray technician takes the proper precaution to minimize the rate of radiation to the fetus.

Therefore, if you think that you need to go through a chest X-ray and you are living near Morristown; you can visit the Radiology Center at Harding, which is located in Morristown, New Jersey.

Please Call us Today to schedule your Chest X Ray Appointment at 908-221-0603


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