What is the effect of the dental hygiene to the overall body

January 31, 2017, Langley Dental Practice

The health of the body is really dependent on the lifestyle we lead and the types of foods that we eat. Similarly, everything in our bodies mostly gains the entry through the mouth.

It is therefore very important to take great care of the mouth in order to properly eliminate the bacteria that can otherwise have a great negative impact on the general body health.

Poor oral hygiene will not only affect your body health but it can have a bad effect on the social life and lack of confidence in your daily activities. Life Smiles dentists recommend that you need to brush and floss at least twice a day to eliminate any food particles that may be in the mouth. Also, try to avoid sugary foods as these make the condition favorable for the bacteria growth. However, if you eat these sugary foods, you need to brush immediately and rinse your mouth with plenty of water.

Some of the effects that these bacteria may have on your body are:

A.    The can bring about heart diseases.

There is a higher chance of getting heart diseases if you have periodontal diseases. This occurs when the arteries contracts due to the bacteria infection in the bloodstream. Basically failure to maintain proper oral hygiene results to blood clotting which in turn leads to clogging the arteries thus making you prone to the heart diseases.

B.     There is an increase in the loss of memory.

If you do not take care of your teeth, it will lead to gum diseases and loss of teeth. The gum diseases cause a lot of inflammation and if not taken care of early enough, it can cause inflammation in the brain thus leading to the death of the brain cell.

C.    Increased complications for the diabetes patients.

As a diabetic patient, you are more prone to get other complications if you do not maintain good oral care. For instance, the presence of the gum diseases makes one to fail to control the sugar levels thus there is a higher risk of getting more infections.

D.    Poor oral hygiene causes breathing problems.

Bacteria travel to the rest of the body through the bloodstream and once it gets to the lungs, it can adversely affect the whole respiratory system especially if you already have chronic respiratory disorders. Also, you are at a high risk of suffering from pneumonia and bronchitis.

Above are just some of the major effects oral hygiene has on the body and it is therefore, it is recommended that you should closely work with your dentist in order to get advice on the best ways to maintain good oral care so as to prevent these disorders.


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