Best Ways to Increase The Success Rate Of Dental Implants

April 30, 2021, Clove Dental

As per research, the majority of the people take their dental hygiene or oral health for granted until they experience a major dental problem like tooth loss.

As per research, the majority of the people take their dental hygiene or oral health for granted until they experience a major dental problem like tooth loss. The advancement in technology has also found a groundbreaking modern solution to this problem, i.e., dental implants. They are the artificial tooth that is used to replace the missing tooth and act like a natural one.

But, simply getting dental implants in Bangalore or somewhere else doesn’t end the job there as the patient has to take care of a lot of things in order to avoid implant failure. So, if you too are the one getting dental implants, this article is a must-read for you. It highlights the best ways to increase the success rate of dental implant surgery for a lifetime.

#1 - Maintain Better Oral Hygiene

Dental implants can never get cavities but they can fail if the surrounding bones and tissues are not cleaned properly. Gum disease is the major cause of natural tooth loss and negatively affects implants. So, it is advisable to maintain and follow a proper dental care routine to keep the mouth away from germs and bacteria.

#2 - Quit smoking

If you are a smoker, this tip is a must to follow. You need to quit the habit of smoking both before and after the dental implant surgery as it is directly related to a higher dental implant loss. Along with this, any gum disease caused due to smoking can be a major risk factor for your implants.

#3 - Be a Good Candidate for Implants

Not every patient is the right candidate to get dental implants and they should know this thing well. A person with better oral health and no health problems can get dental implants. Adequate bone tissues and gums are essential requirements to support the implants. So always ask your dentist about the eligibility criteria for getting implants.

#4 - Prevent Peri-implantitis

One of the major reasons behind dental implant failure is the occurrence of peri-implantitis where the gums and bone tissues surrounding the implants get inflamed. This leads to significant complications like dental implant failure and bone loss. So, you should always consult your dentist about the best ways to prevent peri-implantitis, then only they’ll stay for a lifetime.

#5 - Follow Healthy Eating Routine

Diet always leaves a direct impact on both the health and oral hygiene of an individual. While dental implants mimic the usage of natural teeth, you should avoid eating foods that overtax the implants and cause them to fail. Avoid eating hard candies and sugary food that develops bacteria and increase the complications for dental implants.

The path to the success of dental implants is pretty straightforward. Patients who are dedicated to maintaining better oral health and hygiene can absolutely expect the success of dental implants. Along with this, taking care of the following best ways will keep the dental implants safe and prevent them from failure. So, along with getting implants from a good dentist, one should also focus on maintaining better oral health and hygiene.


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