The wisdom teeth are the third row of the molars that show up when one is between the ages of 17-25. Some if not most of us will have to deal with the wisdom teeth removal Sydney at a certain point in our lives, so let have a quick look at this dental issue.
Why Do the Wisdom Teeth Grow?
The wisdom teeth were used for chewing and eating by early human beings. They took a harder diet such as meat and roots that made their teeth to become worn out faster hence they needed the third row of the molars. As time passed, the type of food that we consume has radically changed and they are no longer regarded as a necessity. No wonder, now people consider wisdom teeth removal Sydney.
Due to evolution, some people can fail to develop wisdom teeth at all. Some people can develop wisdom teeth without problems. It is also approximated that 85% of the people will consider the removal of their wisdom teeth. In the process, the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney has decreased considerably.
There is also advanced research taking place about the wisdom teeth. The scientists have found out that they can be used in the production of stem cells. Other researchers are also looking out for ways of preventing the growth of the wisdom teeth.
How do the Wisdom Teeth Cause Problems?
Human beings have developed jaws that are smaller than what the ancestors had. Due to this, we do not have extra space in our mouth to accommodate extra teeth. A common problem associated with the growth of wisdom teeth is that they can crown your mouth and cause cosmetic issues such as the occurrence of crooked teeth leading to jaw pain, mouth irritation, and swollen gums.
In some cases, they can also become impacted when they are misaligned and when there is not enough space for the teeth to break through, thus causing discomfort.
Another challenge with the wisdom teeth is that they can become quite difficult to clean. This presents the risk of an infection or the occurrence of tooth decay. Due to this and many other reasons, dentists recommend the removal of the wisdom teeth.
How can you easily recognise that your wisdom teeth are causing you problems? This can be discovered during the regular dental visits that you carry out. If you experience pain in the jaws or swollen gums in your teeth, this would be a sign that you need an appointment to establish what is exactly happening within your mouth.
Should I remove My Wisdom Teeth?
The dentist is in a better position of answering this question. The dentist will use an x-ray to establish how your wisdom teeth are growing and see whether there is enough room for them. In some cases, they can also recommend the removal of the teeth and inform you about the wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney.
It is also approximated that about 35% of the people do not develop their wisdom teeth. This is due to evolution and they are no longer regarded as necessary. It is not all the people who develop wisdom teeth will experience problems. If you experience challenges with your teeth, you should consider wisdom teeth removal Sydney services. The procedure can take a short time depending on your health condition.
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