The Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Teeth and Overall Oral Health

November 16, 2021, Dental Marketing

The Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Teeth and Overall Oral Health
The Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Teeth and Overall Oral Health
This includes necessary access to vitamin D. This vitamin plays a crucial role in your overall health and offers great benefits for your oral health.

Going outside may be fun for most people. But did you know there are many health benefits of spending time with Mother Nature? This includes necessary access to vitamin D. This vitamin plays a crucial role in your overall health and offers great benefits for your oral health. Let’s learn more about the “sunshine vitamin” and how it impacts your oral health.

What Is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that assists your body in absorbing calcium, which is an important element for the development of healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D is unique as you can obtain it from food as well as your body can make it when exposed to the sun. Besides strengthening your bones, this vitamin plays a role in other body functions, such as helping your muscles move, supporting your immune system, and more.

How Does Vitamin D Affect Your Teeth?

As you know, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. It’s important for your teeth and gums’ health. Experts have linked a vitamin D deficiency to 2 major oral problems.

1. Tooth Decay

Vitamin D is important as it helps absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus for tooth mineralization and bone. However, your teeth may weaken when your vitamin D levels are low or unregulated. This makes you highly vulnerable to fractures, cavities, and decay. A study of U.S. adults shows that lower levels of vitamin D can cause dental caries.

2. Periodontitis

According to the Journal of Periodontal Research, lower vitamin D levels are linked with an increased risk of periodontitis. This is because vitamin D has a connection to your immune system. This vitamin seems to positively impact inflammation and tooth mineralization effects on tissues near your teeth.

How Do You Get More Vitamin D?

If your doctor has diagnosed you with a vitamin D deficiency, you should read along to find ways to increase your vitamin D levels. You should:

Spend more time in the sun

The exact time duration of sun exposure varies depending on your skin tone, the amount of skin exposed, and the time of year. However, sunscreen does hinder vitamin D production. So remember that too much sun exposure can burn your skin and even lead to skin cancer.

Eat vitamin D rich foods

Foods such as cod liver oil, trout, and salmon are a good source of vitamin D. You can also take milk and cereals if fish isn’t easily available.

Try a vitamin D supplement

If you have vitamin D deficiency and you’re struggling to get it through sunlight and diet, you might ask your doctor about a vitamin D supplement. They can recommend the right dosage based on your specific needs.


Now that you have one more reason to go outside and enjoy the sun today, stop and think about how amazing your body is. Vitamin D is not only beneficial for your overall health, but it is also good for your teeth and gums. For more information, please feel free to contact Houston Dentistry.  

Name: Pearl Shine Dental

Address: 12220 Jones Rd Ste C, Houston, TX 77070

Phone: (281) 477-7200



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