Taking Care Of Cut In Your Mouth

December 06, 2021, Dental Marketing

Taking Care Of Cut In Your Mouth
Taking Care Of Cut In Your Mouth
Did you get a cut in your mouth and don’t know what to do? Getting a cut in your mouth is common.

Did you get a cut in your mouth and don’t know what to do? Getting a cut in your mouth is common. The delicate tissues in your mouth can easily get damaged. Your daily activities like playing sports, kitchen work, or even accidentally biting your tongue or cheek can lead to an oral injury. Rest assured, as this guide will address how to take care of a cut in your mouth. Blood blisters in mouth

Even a minor cut in your mouth can make you bleed heavily. This is because several blood vessels are packed in your mouth in less space. Luckily, most injuries aren’t serious, and you can easily treat them by yourself. However, taking proper care of cuts or injuries is essential to prevent scarring and infection.

Find out below how to treat a cut in your mouth and when to see your dentist.

Managing cut inside your mouth
Follow these steps to help manage the cuts on your tongue, gums, inner cheeks, and mouth’s roof.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial soap and water before touching your wound.
  • Rinse the cut with cold water to remove debris and blood.
  • Take a clean cloth and gently press the wound. This will help stop the bleeding.
  • Place an ice cube or Popsicle on the affected area to relieve pain and inflammation.

Make sure not to apply gel or cream without consulting your doctor or dentist. Notice your wound and let your doctor know if it worsens.

Home remedies to help relieve some pain
Following are some home remedies that can help relieve inflammation and soreness caused by an oral injury.

  • Rinse your wound with salt water for better healing, as salt water is a natural disinfectant.
  • You can use garlic to kill bacteria and save your wound from infection. But avoid chewing it if your wound is open.
  • Avoid consuming citrus or spicy foods as they can cause irritation near the affected area.
  • Suck on ice cubes or perform cold compress outside the face and near the affected area. This will help reduce pain and swelling.

Possible Risks
Following are some risks associated with oral injuries.

Infection is the first thing you need to avoid when experiencing an injury. Harmful viruses and bacteria can quickly enter the exposed tissues of your body and blood. This can result in severe complications that need to be treated as soon as possible.
You can also experience scarring due to an injury. A cut on the lip can potentially change your lip’s appearance and may ruin your beautiful smile. If the cut is severe, make sure to see a medical or dental professional. They will treat your wound and allow it to heal evenly.

When to see a doctor
You can take care of most minor wounds at home. But see your dentist or a doctor if:

  • Bleeding doesn’t stop after 10 minutes
  • Deep cut inside the mouth (more than ½ inch)
  • A rusty metal, human, animal, or insect bite caused the cut
  • You are unable to get rid of debris after the injury
  • Your wound feels warm to the touch or looks reddish

It’s easy to care for minor oral injuries at home. Make sure you keep an eye on the wound and keep it clean. Let the Houston dentist know if you notice any sign of infection or something you are not sure of.


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