Los Angeles Celebrity Dentist Jang Wook Kim Talks AI

July 04, 2017, Langley Dental Practice

Los Angeles Celebrity Dentist Jang Wook Kim Talks AI
Los Angeles Celebrity Dentist Jang Wook Kim Talks AI
We caught up with Los Angeles Celebrity Dentist Dr. Kim, As he talks about his esteemed practice and how he thinks AI is the future of dentistry.

What inspired you to get into dentistry?

It was not one person or one factor that inspired me.
It was more like a process of elimination in pursuit of a career that fits my personality and strengths the best. 

It started with love for biology, which I ended up majoring in college at UCLA.  Then, I started weighing my options in health professional field. Dentistry  just happened to be the best option for me, because I felt that I had good manual dexterity and perceptual ability, with my interest in human body and biology.

Where do you see the future of dentistry headed?

Artificial Intelligence! Maybe it will take some more time before that happens, but we already use a lot of digital information for diagnosis and treatments. I think the advancement of computers and robotics will change the field on one hand, and biological research such as stem cell research will contribute on the other.

Artificial Intelligence should be able to perform procedures when my eyes and hands get too old, and new research can help replacing missing teeth with actual teeth instead of dental implants.

It's pretty exciting to think about it, other than the fact that dentists can lose jobs just like other professions (hopefully in the very distant future).

What advice would you give to someone opening up a practice today?

Please open far, far away from Miracle Mile Comprehensive Dental Center (Laughs)!


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