How to prevent your future dental problems

December 07, 2017, Langley Dental Practice

Proper oral hygiene involves daily brushing and flossing of your teeth in addition to regular dental visits. Not only will your dentist assess the condition of your teeth and recommend necessary treatments, but s/he can also help you avoid potential future problems. Ideally, you will want to visit the same dentist regularly as she or he will have a record of past treatments in order to accurately track changes in your teeth and gums. Still, before you visit the dentist, you have to find one that is qualified and professional.

Many Americans dread the dental office, yet go to the emergency room at the slight sniffle. Your dentist plays just as an important role as your doctor. We all know that a health ailment can shut us down and impact our daily lives. Dental ailments are no different. An abscessed tooth, TMJ pain, crooked teeth or gum disease can cause unbearable pain and make everyday activities like chewing, and speaking difficult.

A dentist can help you prevent future dental problems that can cause major complications like a doctor can. We take care of our bodies because we don't want to get sick or injured. What about caring for our dental health as well?

More and more research and studies have shown the interrelation between dental health and overall health. Heart disease, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure and diabetes are just some of the health conditions that have recently been linked to poor dental hygiene. Poor dental health, on the flip-side, allows additional germs to enter the body, heightening the risk of medical issues.

How can a dentist change your life? Well, a dentist can bring a positive impact to your emotional, relational and physical well-being.

Emotional Health
Are you confident with the look of your smile? Or is that gap between your front teeth forcing you to be a hermit?

A dentist can place crowns to close spaces between your teeth to make your smile look beautiful, fix cracked teeth and use Implants, bridges or dentures to fill in gaps caused by missing teeth.A cosmetic dentist can whiten teeth, add veneers, beautiful tooth-like porcelain crowns to enhance the look of your smile so you can show off your beautiful, natural smile.

A dentist can also apply braces(Invisalign), and retainers to correct the bite and straighten your teeth.A dentist can give you back your lost confidence and self-esteem. When you feel better about yourself you'll be happier and have better relationships.

Relational Health
When you're embarrassed about the appearance of your smile, it can be easy to withdraw and feel isolated. Even if you have a healthy social life, are the one that avoids being in pictures or the only one not smiling in pictures?

Taking care of one's teeth can greatly reduce the occurrence of cavities, gum disease, bad breath and stained teeth. Regular visits to the dentist can help your efforts in preventing these avoidable issues.

For dental issues, such as missing teeth, crooked teeth or misaligned jaws, a dentist is the only one who can address and treat these issues.

Physical Health
Aside from the less desirable look of a poorly cared mouth, the pain can be enough to impact your daily life. Our mouths were made to make eating, speaking and drinking possible. Living in constant pain or discomfort is not a pleasant life.

Dental pain can also occur at night, negatively impacting one's sleep. Sleep apnea, TMJ and bruxism can cause dental pain and other dental issues. When one's sleep is negatively affected, one health, mood, productivity and relationships suffer. A dentist can diagnose and treat these conditions as well, giving you back the needed, restful night's sleep.
A dentist can restore the health of your mouth and treat the source of your pain and discomfort. A pain-free or discomfort-free mouth will enable you to enjoy life to the fullest.


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