How to Prevent Plaque Formation Five Ways That Work

December 17, 2021, Clove Dental

How to Prevent Plaque Formation Five Ways That Work
How to Prevent Plaque Formation Five Ways That Work
According to the ADA (American Dental Association), the sticky film covering your teeth is Plaque. It is a significant factor that contributes to tooth decay and gum diseases.

Try running your tongue on your tooth surface. Do you feel irregularities on the surface of your teeth?
If yes, then your teeth have Plaque.

According to the ADA (American Dental Association), the sticky film covering your teeth is Plaque. It is a significant factor that contributes to tooth decay and gum diseases.

The Plaque contains bacterias (mainly Streptococcus mutans) responsible for releasing acids, following any sugary meal, that attacks tooth enamel that leads to tooth decay. Unlike the debris, dental plaque cannot be easily removed through brushing and requires a dental intervention.

Apart from improper dental care, other factors cause plaque build-up including ill-fitting crowns, removable or fixed prosthetic appliances, braces etc. One of the solutions is to opt for a good dental clinic that provides ideal dental crowns that fit your teeth.

There are some more ways that help remove and restrict the formation of plaque, saving you dreaded visits to the dentist.

Let’s talk about them further.

Ways to Prevent Plaque Formation

The easiest way to prevent plaque formation is to practice good tooth and gum care. If you notice plaque formation, here is what you can do,

Floss Regularly

Brushing and tongue cleaning is incomplete unless paired with flossing. Using wax-coated floss can help clean the interdental areas of the teeth as they are the most common spots for plaque formation and decay.

If you don't know the proper technique to floss, you can talk to a dental consultant to know more about flossing.

2. Use Alcohol-free Mouthwashes
Skipping mouthwash is like leaving the party at 9! Mouthwashes can reach the pits and fissures in the teeth, interdental areas of the posterior teeth partially erupted teeth covered with gums, and even at the back of the mouth. They provide a thorough cleaning and eliminate the debris that may cause plaque buildup.

Ensure that you use alcohol-free mouthwash if you want to use mouthwash for a long as they do not alter the taste of the mouth.

3. Chew Sugarless gum
We understand that it is practically impossible to brush after every meal or a sugary drink. Thus, it is advisable to chew sugar-free gum after meals to clean your mouth. Go for the gums with Xylitol to prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to your teeth.

4. Wear Proper Appliances
Wearing dental appliances is an effective treatment for a healthy mouth, but ill-fitting appliances can contribute to plaque buildup. For instance, if you wear invisible braces, like Invisalign, ensure that you clean them regularly to prevent plaque accumulation. Similarly, opt for proper fitting dental crown to keep the Plaque or debris from collecting in the margins.

5. Go for Scaling
Regular teeth cleaning, also known as scaling, is an effective way to remove the plaque from your teeth. The ultrasonic movements of the scaling tip against the tooth surface breaks the plaque into micro-particles and detaches them from the tooth surface.

Scaling followed by polishing can smoothen the tooth surface and remove the irregularities as a frictionless surface limits the debris from sticking.

Maintaining good oral health requires extra effort, but little things can work like wonders for your teeth and gums. Preventing plaque buildup will help reduce the chances of tooth decay and keep your teeth strong.

To know more about dental procedures like scaling and get better fitting appliances like dental crowns and invisible braces, visit your nearest dentist today!


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