Tips To Avoid Dental Emergencies In Summer

March 01, 2018, Langley Dental Practice

Summer comes with many good things. Families will head out for road trips, to the beach, and even enjoy cold beverages, candy included. With all the fun and family schedules turned outside down, you don’t want your family and especially children to forget about their oral health and hygiene. Many dental emergencies occur in summer two, another reason you need to be careful with the same. Outlined below are a few tips and tricks on how to protect your family/kids from dental emergencies this summer.


1. Emphasize On Good Oral Hygiene

Outdoor activities, camps, and even vacations will be the order of the day for many families. Focusing on some of these events can you forget some of the simple, yet important things to do in life such as maintaining proper oral hygiene. Your kids will probably be too tired to remember to brush their teeth or floss every day.

You therefore have a responsibility to ensure no one forgets to brush their teeth before heading to bed. Buy everyone a new toothbrush, and stock up a few more to use while travelling. Remember to toss a few kinds of toothpaste and Colgate Wisp brushes in your handbag too. You also ought to remind everyone to floss or brush daily to avoid developing a plague or tooth cavity.

2. Book Dental Check-ups Early

According to BexleyDental: “Attending regular dental hygiene appointments helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums.” Although most parents schedule dental check-ups days before school starts, you'll be wiser to book an appointment with the dentist just after the school ends. This way, the children will have their teeth, and oral health checked before summer enters into full swing. In addition to this, your family will have a clean bill of health throughout summer. We all know how frustrating it can be having to deal with a toothache in the middle of the summer vacation.

3. Stock Your Kitchen With Healthy Foods

Serving your family the wrong meal, and especially foods loaded with processed sugars spells a dental disaster in days to come. To prevent such incidents, invest in healthy snacks. Stock up the fridge with fresh and locally grown vegetables, fruits, cereals, and healthy dairy products. You'll also need to ensure all these are clean before stocking them up in the refrigerator. Be sure to replace cookies and candy with much healthier options such as strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. Swap out sugary and acidic soft drinks with pure water.

4. Prevent Dental Emergencies

Most people are overly active during summer. Many will take to bike riding, swimming, playing football, among other outdoor activities. While most of these activities are fun, they can be dangerous too, with many resulting in a dental injury.  You, therefore, need to be prepared for the worst during this time. Here are a few tips on how to prevent dental emergencies in summer:

a. Ensure kids follow 'pool rules.' Most injuries in summer happen in swimming pools. Diving in shallow waters, running on slippery pool decks, and bumping on the pool's ledge can cause one to knock a tooth lose or even have a chipped one. Having your children know all pool rules, and follow them can help avoid such accidents.

b. Learn to give first aid. Take lessons to learn just what you need to do in case of a dental emergency. For instance, you can learn how to use cold packs and warm water to clean the injured area, as well as to reduce swelling. Gauze, placing the lost tooth back in its socket, and using milk to keep knocked off teeth moist before getting to the dentist are other first aid tricks you need to learn.

c. Have an emergency dental kit. This is particularly important when heading for a vacation. A dental emergency kit will have a small container with a lid, gauze, handkerchief, your dentist's contact information, and ibuprofen.

Following the tips outlined above should help you have a wonderful summer. Be sure to follow them to avoid dental emergencies.


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